School system in the U S A ?

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  • Soler0

    This is really lengthy but here goes...
    I don't know where atomica grew up... I'm sure that experience is real. It is diverse throughout the country.

    Let me tell you how it is in suburban Denver. I went to a private, college prep highschool (5k a year US), while my older sisters went to public school. We couldn't have had a more different education. My highschool was basically the equivalent of a university. For them, it was a cake walk where class was next-to-optional and you could take bowling for P.E. and watch a movie for english class.

    They stuggled in the universities after highschool a little bit. I quit after the first year because I felt that it was a waste of time- They were taching college freshman how to structure sentences.

    So, I went to art school to learn a trade. i think most universities and highschools are dumbing down the curriculum to save money and make it easy for everyone to get a degree.

    Of course, any one who is motivated can extract a good education almost anywhere in the US, but how many extremely motivated 16 year olds do you know? People take the easy way out mostly.

    Hope that helps

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