School system in the U S A ?

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  • atomica0

    The public school systems of the USA, at least the one's I've attended through out my life are great. They try their best to put forth a well rounded curriculum in about an 8 hour day for 9 months of the year. Alot of the high schools offer vocational and job related studies and some have focuses leaning more technical or more creative arts and literature. Around here they also try and give you a good idea of the cultures that exist outside of the region, bringing in students from other countries, adding culture studies into foreign language classes etc. On that note though, I will say language teachings lack a bit compared to what I've seen from other countries. We tend to learn our native language the whole time, and a year or two of one chosen foriegn language, which if we tried, couldn't speak to survive half the time once we've graduated. I don't think the schools are nearly as bad as some outlets like to protest. Parenting in the states is a whole other story.

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