Donald Trump

Out of context: Reply #9490

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  • Ramanisky22

    Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon says Americans are "degenerates" and therefore the Constitution doesn't work anymore, so this nation needs a Caesar-like dictator who "Constitution be dammed, just rules with an iron fist."

    Launch this guy into an active volcano

    • Cult.monospaced
    • Imagine if an Islamic leader said that. “Americans are ‘infidels’, constitutional freedom doesn’t work, and you should be ruled by gods law and a zealous leadermonospaced
    • Because that’s literally what this is. Wake up. They’re radical religious nationalists who question science, democracy, equal rights and want to impose thismonospaced
    • Embarrassing death of a societyPhanLo
    • I will always wonder how many of these nuts believe it vs. how many just cash in on all the suckers. They are disgusting humans, regardless.formed
    • I mean, he is promoting his book front and center.

      Volcano sounds like a reasonable solution.
    • Lake of custard is where he should be fired in a cannonPhanLo
    • ...but as long as we get to be at the top, controlling shit and you know continue to be the most degenerate part of society...fuckig little boys and what the_niko
    • of Jesus Christ our lord_niko
    • these naive religious brainless loons will believe anything!utopian
    • Under his eyemonospaced
    • Blessed be the cultRamanisky2
    • trump has a very tiny iron fist when u look at his hands... iron belly or ass would work better...neverscared
    • that looks more like a pamphlet than a book, no wonder he needs to promote it so hard.Nutter

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