The Blender 3D thread

Out of context: Reply #475

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  • NBQ000

    I love Blender and I have watched countless videos/ tutorials how to handle render passes and I still can't get it to work properly.

    What I don't get it is, why does it have layers when it doesn't automatically render the layers?

    Let's say I have 4 layers (aka render passes):

    - Each of the 4 layers contains a collection group that I want to render separately and others are either greyed out in that layer or used as holdouts.

    - Naturally I'd assume when you render it it would create 4 image sequences automatically that are the 4 layers. So it would render the 4 passes. But that's not the case. When I hit render it only renders one layer. And it has nothing to do with the "render single layer" checkbox.

    - I tried to use EXR filetype to try to get all the passes in one image sequence but that doesn't really work either.

    - It seems what has to be done in order to get the layers rendered as separate passes automatically is use nodes in the compositor to output the layers from there?

    It's really weird that this is not more straightforward. Really miss the good ol' Softimage-XSI render passes workflow, was the best of all 3D tools.

    • So for now my dumb solution is: render the layers one by one in different Blender app windows open.NBQ00
    • I think cryptomatte will get you to what you are looking for. This lets you mask out individual elements from one render as though they were separate layers.monNom
    • Unless it’s a memory issue and you are rendering in sections because you can’t load the whole scene at once. That might need a more custom solution.monNom

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