
Out of context: Reply #75394

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  • maquito4

    My grandma, great grandma and great-great grandma, lived +100 years (granny blew 102 candles). It’s a curious fact that my mom uses to brag about and joke with my dad.

    The two older ladies were born and lived in La Coruña, Spain. They were poor housewives, mothers of many kids. My grandma, the one who travelled and got married in Uruguay, worked in port customs. She loved eating asado, drinking wine, and even if she was an active woman all her life, she never did any sport, smoked till her 50s, ate whatever shit she wanted, and loved sunbathing.

    None were billionaires.

    Life might be short, or long; it can be hard, or easy, fun, boring, whatever,; but theres no moneys that’ll make you live any longer, nor here or in any other fucking place in the Universe.


    • Good for them (I guess?). But money can help you live longer. I personally wouldn't like to but money can help you.palimpsest
    • Of course there are cases where money can't help you but all things being equal money will give you an advantage.palimpsest
    • Of course it can help you if your genetics suck or if you decide becoming addicted to K during your 40s.maquito
    • ..but in the end we are going to die, even if we try to buy as many minutes of life as our wallet can afford.maquito
    • What I tried to convey was the crazy fact of poor people living their lifes till becoming 100 y/o vs rich fucks that might be moving mountains to live longer.maquito
    • So money can help you live longer?palimpsest
    • I don't think living under 100 years means your genetics suck.palimpsest
    • I don't think anyboy was saying that poor people can't live long lives.
      It's all about getting hooked on phonics.
    • The question is:
      Can money help you live a longer life?
      Not DOES but CAN.
    • money is a definition of "fake"rzu-rzu
    • think about this: if you do something just for doing that thing vs. when you do it for money, this weird, abstract, all-corrupting layer on top of thingsrzu-rzu
    • the more your life is about money, the less your life is .. well.. liferzu-rzu
    • Steve jobs_niko
    • WAT?palimpsest
    • OK, let me reformulate the question:
      All things being equal money will give you an advantage in living longer?
    • I get your thought @pali, and I agree to certain extent. You can buy healthcare with money, thus, you can acquire a better health with money /maquito
    • Perhaps what I meant, and I got tangled with my grandma's tale, is that there are still certain factors that affect health and aging that cannot be modified ../maquito
    • That is all I'm saying.palimpsest
    • I got what you were saying.
      Mine was more a response to space Karen, which I think inspired your post. Wanted to make sure we kept things in their right place.
    • I worked for an oncologic med of a huge big pharma lab, which purpose was, for $25,000 per month, to give 6-month survival to stage 4 prostate cancer patients /maquito
    • I think the answer would be maybe. It depends on what you struggle with.maquito
    • tks @pali :)maquito
    • lol @space karenmaquito
    • Tell it like it is.palimpsest
    • Just because Space Karen is sucking some sad controller's dick doesn't mean she knows all there is to know about the universe.palimpsest
    • It's not the controller that's making these unfounded claims, it's the lady that makes him sandwiches and probably runs an Etsy shop as a side hustle.palimpsest
    • I was drunk, still am, but it doesn't change the fact that I was drunkrzu-rzu
    • @rzu-rzu
      That's my secret, Cap.

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