
Out of context: Reply #75373

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  • skinny_puppy11

    Went to my parent's house today partly to plan a trip in September but also to clean out some cupboards. My parents are re-painting my old room. I last painted it in high school.

    Going through my old stuff (I collected so much random shit as a little kid) and deciding what to keep and what to throw was tough. But even more so was seeing all the old ideas, art pieces from school, old work from college and detritus from various chapters of my life.

    As PonyBoy commented a few posts earlier, "Regrets will eat you alive", so I'm not going to dwell too much. But I had a strong sense of wasted potential and lost connections. So many wonderful people I met and lost contact with. Sadness about how innocent and stupid I was. It all had a physical effect on me. At one point I just had to look out the window and just breathe.

    The planned trip itself is has an emotional element. It may be the last time my father goes back to his home country. I last went there with him decades ago, first time he had been back since he left.

    Reflecting on my childhood and the years in between, I have noticed patterns of behaviour and thought that lead to feeling that I may have squandered or at least not made the most of the last 2 decades. And that I feel today I am at least aware of, if not actively working on. So good things ahead.

    It was also good sense of perspective. I realised how focused I have become on business and money and it was a good point to let people and non-productive things into my life more.

    It was a heavy, but good way to start the year. My New Years resolutions: 1. Take on less side-projects and finish what I start. 2. Spend more time with people.

    • this is great, I feel you_niko
    • People are overrated : )maikel
    • I'm moving out in August.
      Fuck you!
    • My biggest regrets in life are key moments when I chickened out and didn't do something, but I also wasted time on people to "be nice"bainbridge
    • Do less things you don't want to do, cuz you feel like you're "supposed to" and follow your heart and livebainbridge
    • Experiences > stuffbainbridge
    • Stuff all becomes trash at some point, even art. But make art with friends and have fun making itbainbridge
    • It can also be "lonely at the top", so "wasted potential" can be mehbainbridge
    • But be careful. The trend of pursuit of experiences does not necessarily break free from materialism but rather transforms it into a new form.palimpsest
    • In this trend surplus enjoyment is gained from the representation and recognition of experiences within a social context.palimpsest
    • I'm happy that my parents threw out most of my shit after I left. The creepy part is way back in the day I knew an AA model, and had some big prints of her..garbage
    • ..and her twin sister that were ripped off of a store wall. She wanted to take a trip to Mexico City with me, and I said no.garbage
    • More confusing as to why that's the one thing my mom left in my room. Said girl is currently married to / beaten by Marilyn Manson.garbage
    • I guess your mom has good taste. But that turned dark real quick.palimpsest
    • I think it was half she thought I was dating the girl, half trying to shame me because she found giant prints of half-naked twins.garbage
    • ha ha, if thats the case then mom got gameNutter
    • She does, I was raised well enough to know she was one step ahead of me, at all times.garbage

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