Web Design

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • cherub0

    I know it's Christmas and I'm the only doofus working on his wordpress site but I can't stop thinking about it. I worked all night last night and kept failing over and over.

    I was trying to do something very very simple.

    I was trying to embed a patreon button on the home page of my website.

    I tried all sorts of things... First I tried 'CodeBard's Patron button' plugin... Didn't work. During plugin install I didn't know the 'become a patron' button was called "Pledge Growth" and I think I chose 'no' during install when I should have said 'yes' .

    Btw, what is a 'sidebar widget'? Why does it have to be sidebar? Why can't I put the embed the same as I embed youtube videos? (not a sidebar)

    Anyway, that plugin is mainly for adding the embed to BLOG POSTS.

    Gave up, then I tried the patreon widget embed code found here. https://www.patreon.com/dashboar…

    After putting that code into my footer using the 'header footer custom html' plugin and the code I insert upon saving and refreshing... does nothing whatsoever.

    I seem to remember having this problem before. IIRC wordpress by default is very resistant to you wanting to change the headers and footers and design the home page. It ALWAYS expects you to make 'Posts' and when thats not what you want to do the whole process grinds to a halt. Why?

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