Dis or Dat?

Out of context: Reply #492

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  • scarabin4



    • DATsted
    • Don't really know who DAT is. But, since I loathe DIS with every fibre of my being, I'll go with DAT by default.Continuity
    • dat is usually the creepy 3rd-4th role character if not a complete NPC who works at comic store, pc shop, or is just simply the weirdest neighbor you ever had.sted
    • and he is a real actor.sted
    • woogieYakuZoku
    • no baby talk, DATutopian
    • DATfuturefood
    • Disdrgs
    • CABIN BOYdoesnotexist
    • Dat. Little handsausages
    • Dis, Sandler's early work was incredible and I still remember how bad the Get a Life series wasspot13
    • DAT.

      He's a graduate of Handsome Boy Modeling School
    • Uncut Gems was amazing. But so was Groundhog Day. They're the only films i know to compare them. So DisIanbolton
    • ...my friend and I came home from a heavy duty evening on a dot and Cabin Boy just started, having no idea what it was about, we couldn't stop laughingcanoe
    • Sandler's work was incredible? Did you watch Remote Control on MTV? Sandler should've been strangled on that show. Ugh I loathe him and his infatuation with...canoe
    • ...making fun of "retards"canoe
    • Dis is one of the 1st things I want in my celebrity bonfire. Dat was pretty bad most of the time but nearly as offensive. At least you didn't include Jim CarreyCyBrainX
    • Dat almost ruined Schitts creek and Dis gave me prank call tapes. DIS for sure.monospaced
    • always had a soft spot for dat and dis won me over in the last few years. hard one.scruffics
    • Uncut Gems was good, at first I thought it was Steven Segal :D he didn't tried to be funny and voila, it works, that role fits him perfectly.sted
    • Dat got close to my heart with the little hands :)sted
    • who the second one?pango
    • Chris elliotscarabin
    • Love them both. <3PonyBoy
    • Dis. Just for Happy Gilmore.Longcopylover
    • Dis is an inexplicable fame machine that is chronically unfunny. The funniest thing about him is when the Sony email hack happened.garbage
    • Everyone confirmed that he was an unfunny asshole that they hated working with, and were upset with his new contract.garbage
    • got TONS of love for Happy Gilmore. and My my college roommate and I used to watch Get a Life all the time, plus Cabin Boy... so kinda like both....exador1
    • Dat is a fucking legend,and for years was at the head of Letterman and Conan's stable of actor / writers.garbage
    • Lol at anybody that even likes Sandler, much less prefers them to somebody like Elliott.garbage
    • dat isn't a legend lol, and lol at you garbage for being such a hatermonospaced
    • Given the choices here, everyone must downvote.CyBrainX
    • Play me a sad song on your boomer ukulele mono. If you've ever watched Letterman or Conan, that dude was one of the main writers for decades.garbage
    • Yet another thing you get upset about that is frankly confusing. Adam Sandler is the opposite of funny. Also the industry hates him.garbage
    • And to be clear, Dat was the writer I was referring to, Dis just does silly voices.garbage
    • GET A LIFE!stoplying
    • Uncut Gems and Punch Drunk Love were not really comedies, so you can’t just hate because he’s not funny. He can act when directed properly.Ianbolton
    • I also didn’t mind Sandler in The Cobbler too. It’s a stupid, trashy film which doesn’t require me to think too hardIanbolton
    • PDL gets a pass, because that might be his only film that couldn't be cut to 7min without losing anything.garbage

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