Out of context: Reply #233

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  • palimpsest1

    AI is not outside of humanity because it is created and developed by humans. The algorithms and models that make up AI systems are created using human-generated data and are trained and fine-tuned by human engineers and scientists. The decisions and actions taken by AI systems are also ultimately determined by the goals, objectives, and constraints set by human creators.

    Additionally, AI systems are not independent entities, but rather they are dependent on human input, maintenance, and oversight. Without human intervention, AI systems would not function.

    Moreover, AI reflects the biases, values, and limitations of its human creators, and it can perpetuate existing societal biases if the data used to train them is not diverse. This means that it is important for AI systems to be created and used with ethical considerations in mind.

    In summary, AI is not outside of humanity because it is created and maintained by humans, reflects human biases and values, and is dependent on human oversight.

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