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Out of context: Reply #988

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  • Nairn7

    I was Today Years Old when I learnt that the Irish flag essentially symbolises peace (the white band) between Protestants (orange) and Catholics (green).……

    It's kind of cool.. but also a bit saddening. I feel.

    • 'Saddening' as in all the flags in our little archipelago are all based on Christianity in one form or another.Nairn
    • I feel.

      there should've been a preceding comma
    • Not just in your archipelago, most of Europe I think_niko
    • Not really. Just the vaguely Calvinist northern bits, weirdly.Nairn
    • Maybe but there’s also Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovakia, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Malta, Georgia, San Marino, etc that have Christian symbols as well_niko
    • Hrm, I figured Spain and Portugal had more heraldic motifs, but you're right I suppose. Lol, yes, Greece and Switzerland, latter still CalvinistishNairn
    • Never knew that. Now that I do, it looks like it represents peace as long as we keep them away from each other, which sounds about right. :Pmort_
    • So true mort!microkorg
    • heh, try to tell the twats up here that the tricolour is representational. or that the national colour of ireland is blue not green. unfortunately appeasingkingsteven
    • folks hoodwinked by religion, unionism or nationalism in ireland occupies so much of public and political discourse it doesn't seem like anything to celebratekingsteven
    • The blue was introduced during King Henry VIII's reign? I'll stick with green thanks ;)mort_
    • hah, henry the 8th was a catholic and green became associated with catholics in ireland during the english reformation (long after his reign)kingsteven
    • when catholic land was seized and well, 200 years of revolution later some dolt at the GPO shat out the tricolour. there's not much more to it than that...kingsteven
    • and in irish folklore green is unlucky. green and orange just represent two sides in a dispute between european royalty where ireland wasn't even importantkingsteven
    • Ashamed of my lack of history knowledge about this wee island we live on. I shan't question you again, King Steven VIII. :Dmort_
    • 'sfunny, I expected to be slightly ribbed by you lot across the water for not knowing anything about this :)Nairn

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