
Out of context: Reply #73759

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  • SimonFFM18

    Yesterday, I felt really down. I was frustrated because working as a nude photographer basically means you spend a lot of money on models without there being a market anymore. So, I spend more money than I earn which is not a good business model.

    Therefore I sometimes have these moments where I think "Why am I doing this?" and "What for?". And I cannot answer to myself other than that it's my passion and I need to do it.

    And then, this morning, I wake up to an email with a commission for something very special. It's an art project and so it doesn't mean the budget is good, but I am so on fire. I began working on it right away.

    My point is: Life's a circle. One time you're down, next time you'll be up. Sometimes it's hard to believe life goes like this but it should be a reminder for all of us creatives to keep the chin up even in difficult times.

    • As one door opens, another closes.palimpsest
    • ^ glass is half empty or half full?SimonFFM
    • Don't ignore your intuition that there is no market anymore. Things change, you have to change with them. Find a new market niche that pays the bills.monNom
    • You can't keep losing money and stay in business forever. And then how are you going to pursue your passion?monNom
    • Incidentally, why do you think the market is gone? where did it go?monNom
    • "why am i doing this"? Because you can make pictures of nude chicks? Sounds pretty easy to me.milfhunter
    • lol simon, never get down. You're a tasteful pornographer living in Europe.garbage
    • Try not to think too much - it really is the best approach. At least negative things, put them aside, recognise the thought, don't embrace them.shapesalad
    • Would it be much of a shift to apply your talents to fashion photography or some similar lucrative market while still working on your passion in your own time?mort_
    • (basically what monNom said)mort_
    • Market is smaller due to influencers marketing w/ mobile phones, fewer magazines; fashion industry already has too many photogs and doesn't interest me.SimonFFM
    • I won't give up. You know, tigers fight like no one...SimonFFM
    • Diversify to Male Nudes and Trans?shapesalad
    • Have you tried using models that you don't pay? I don't pay my models and built a good port.formed
    • There isn't the consistency of youth that will shoot nude like yours, though, but still gorgeous women. Most of my work has moved to nudes/erotic now.formed
    • I usually have something in the release about sharing any profits, but I don't typically try to sell them.formed
    • I am getting more and more interest from OF women that want photo sets to sell...I need to ask for a cut of that, now that I think of it.formed
    • Bros Before Hoes!utopian
    • Tits are great, just enjoy lifebabydick_
    • @formed the OF women could become a market for me; thanks for the idea!SimonFFM
    • Do it for the bewbs man!pango
    • Congrats! Create a system where you are constantly aware of the type of jobs you want. Visualize them and they will naturally come to you. No joke, try it.stewart
    • The Secretpalimpsest
    • "Visualize them and they will naturally come to you. No joke, try it." That's some commie gobbledygookbabydick_
    • I think OF/influencers are probably hungry for good content. Off the top of my head: rent a big house in a beautiful locale, then get influencers to pay you...monNom
    • to come and stay and have you generate a ton of HQ content for them. They can do their cell-phone thing, but they leave with a new network and evergreen contentmonNom
    • I'm thinking along the lines of the Vice influencer house thing that was posted here recently. But do it for a week, and get them to pay for it.monNom
    • sometimes you gotta turn the other cheek ... or just spread them and stick your tongue out! hahahaAQUTE
    • I feel you Simon! This happens in my work too. But one kind email or good project lead can really turn things around.nocomply
    • Keep it strong Simon... The road to glory, is a loooong walk. Enjoy the trip!!OBBTKN
    • Lower what you pay the models to balance the supply chain.cannonball1978
    • @babydick_ Meh. You don't see opportunities if you remain negative about your future.stewart
    • Why is there no market anymore?drgs
    • Probably because the sexual objectification of women is less socially acceptable now.mort_
    • That’s not a judgment btw, just an observation.mort_
    • To the contrary, I have many friends that feel empowered by OF and fully embrace making money by providing positive entertainment.formed
    • It's a sex-positive world now. The younger generation doesn't have the stigma we old folk do.formed
    • Sorry, what’s ‘OF’?mort_
    • Oh Only Fans? Signs I'm getting old!mort_

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