Romania calling

Out of context: Reply #21

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  • 47 Responses
  • utopian9

    • or Wales to be fair.fadein11
    • Whats wrong with caring about the environment?drgs
    • If you eat McDonalds you clearly don't give a shit about the environmentfuturefood
    • Its for the horsedrgs
    • "Posting yourself to the front page also doesn't help mate :)
      Just saying, it's so so cringe"
      grafician - 2022
    • @sted google "nepotism" then mate :))))grafician
    • @grafician google "pseudo intellectual" then just :F oafsted
    • @sted don't kid yourself mate, you're not an intelectual, you just have internet access :)))grafician
    • oh so you don't believe that this or any post occurs on the front page as the result of a friendly favor or undisclosed advantage available for the chosen ones?sted
    • and the suggestion to google "nepotism" wasn't a reference to this.sted
    • My apologies in that case because mine was 100% a cynical suggestion to describe your personality.sted
    • @sted the fact you don't speak fluent sarcasm online is pretty fucked up
      but like I said, you're not smart, you just have internet access ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    • oh and sted, let me save you a google mate, here you go: https://www.iliketoq…grafician
    • sarcasm hehh, yeah.
      the intention is perfectly clear and obvious, like when you started your offensive rant next a post about mockery.
    • Well then don't start shit if you want peace, I have no reason to interact with some of you, but I don't take no shit either :)
      Action <> reaction
      Peace out!
    • What shit, this site is full with your posts about wanking on downvotes, your teachings about things you have nothing to do with, calling people idiots, etcsted
    • You got burned on so many levels that it's hard to not laugh on what comes next every time you start posting your usual decipherments of the world.sted
    • And the fact that you don't even know how this site works and completely missing some of the habits of this micro-community and get angry about is ridiculoussted
    • Not funny or sarcastic or all the shit you tried to use to justify this behavior in the past.sted
    • That's fine David, you can have your online escape, you need it more, keep being the "chosen one" and all that, 40s are hard
    • 3 mistakes in one note. Let me help you out:
      one of them is that I'm not 40.
      try harder next time.
    • Right. If you say so :))grafician
    • ROTFL like you know better. those mistakes prove what kind of person you are: one with little intellectual ability.sted
    • Right. If you say so :)))grafician
    • I'm happy you found your place here as a parrot, fits you well.sted
    • You know what, I'm tired, let's call it a day okay?
      Like I said, 40s will hit you hard, you'll want to cut on the nonsense, you stay away I'll stay away good?

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