flash getURL delay

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  • CoW0

    instead of doing a for...loop, try iterating through each element using a looping movieclip.

    setup a movieclip with say 4 frames in it. on the first frame you call the next element and do all your work on it (in your case, a getURL thing). Then tell the movieclip to play and it will delay for 4 frames (or however many frames you give it) before it hits the next element.

    Also on the first frame of this movieclip, make sure you do a check for when you are on the last element in your array. When it is the last element, tell this looping movieclip to stop.

    That could prolly work. If 4 frames isnt enough delay to open your windows in an appropriate manner, try adding more frames.


    if that doesnt work well, you could always do a delay using setInterval and getTimer functions.

    hope this helps

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