Out of context: Reply #503

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  • CyBrainX2

    I got that Overlord plugin you suggested. This thing is a winner. I did a side by side on my logo which had a lot of Illustrator shenanigans.
    What worked: gradients on strokes, which is amazing since getting any gradient to work in AE from Illustrator is pure luck.

    What didn't work:
    Stroke width profiles made with the Stroke width tool in Illustrator. That's not even a feature in After Effects.
    A blend object that had two diagonal lines with strokes.

    There may even be solutions for those issues. I didn't go through all their documentation yet.

    Not bad for $45.

    • AE on the left with swatches you can push from AI. Original Illustrator on the right.CyBrainX
    • Here's a link in case anyone is interested.
    • +1 for Overlord, it's the nuts. And your stroke profile and blends have to be expanded in AI before Overlording...MrT
    • Sweet! Glad that's working out. IMO Overlord is the best tool for moving between these apps. The XD trick is still faster for lots of text objects!evilpeacock
    • ...and @MrT is correct — any really fancy visual attributes in AI will need to be "expanded" or "flattened" to work. That's the norm with most apps anyway.evilpeacock
    • To be honest, I expected worse. The swatch export to AE guide layers is something I didn't expect at all.CyBrainX
    • Nice feature i use a lot is the palette export. Sends a nice OCD-approved set of coloured squares to a guide layer in AE.MrT

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