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Out of context: Reply #805

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  • sted8

    Remember kids, Romania is in the Balkans

    • You're embarrassing yourself further but okaygrafician
    • Yeah I'm the one who gets burned with his own post :D pity that you're so delusionalsted
    • "Hungarians define it: The Balkan starts at the Southern side of Carpathians. Transylvania is not part of it, pre-first-world-war Old Romania belongs to it."grafician
    • So yeah I guess you being a Hungarian fucker would say Romania is in the Balkans while nobody would believe yougrafician
    • Hungarians also say that Transylvania is a Hungarian territory.

      While again nobody would believe you hahahahaaaa
    • And if you think you "burned" somebody again that a look at the map I posted you dumb fuck

      Do you how to read a map do you?
    • Now tell us why you got deported from Hungary? All the way to Australia of all places lol

      Now you consider Australia a Hungarian territory too?
    • tesla was from the balkan ,, just sayin.neverscared
    • now u r all drving a car inpsired by himneverscared
    • Well if we consider facts, Tesla was born in today's Croatia and he was...Serbian I think?

      You could say Tesla was NEAR the Balkan Mountains in a way lol
    • u can use it as a synonym for the south east region of europa i think.... still funny though that people are trashin balkan while their cars name is from a dudeneverscared
    • from there.neverscared
    • But there's no synonym, I guess the region sted keeps mentioning like a lunatic is the former Yugoslavian region in a way, but not even than

      It's silly
    • sted didn't even mentioned the wikipedia. fucking article he copied this shit from

      Guess facts don't count when you're trolling
    • https://en.wikipedia…
      the first search result
      it's at the bottom.
    • tbh, i had to google where Romania and Hungary is... lolpango
    • LOL This is ridiculous, I'm laughing my ass off. How can someone be this stupid?sted
    • he's very worked up at the moment. i'd give him some space.pango
    • LOL so you started this shit cuz you found an obscure link and you contradict the world based on THAT?!

      I'm stunned by your stupidity really
    • A comparison would be that Canada is in the US actually, based on the fact the same 2 countries are in North America

      Your logic is...wait... you have none!
    • Not to mention giving you a BIG fucking map you ignored

      Bruh grow the fuck up
    • I'm sorry for the ones who give birth to these, they are so unfortunate.sted
    • 1. This post was made from the page you, @grafician shared.sted
    • 2. You're constantly insult others.sted
    • 3. The same kind of racist shit you posted at 3am on a monday got people banned from here.sted
    • The Balkans isn't just a mountain range. It also refers to the entire peninsula region, which many (most?) would say Romania can be part of :)monospaced
    • *sorry its more xenophobic, than racist.sted
    • sted baby you literally have no logic again - Millions of people living around here simply consider you an idiot based on what you said okay?grafician
    • There is no peninsula bullshit, even if it's on wikipedia lol

      You clearly take for real some obscure link VS. some fucking countries that know better
    • The peninsula bullshit started a few centuries ago by some German guy, it's proven fact around here, you clearly aren't from here so you know shit, that's allgrafician
    • 47 million people live in the Balkans, and you claim to represent Millions.
      You're still in minority.
    • Anyway I'm done here, you clearly have no clue about the history of the region or whatever, you're just regurgitating bullshitgrafician
    • nah i just made a quick calc based on these numbers:
      or whatever.
    • It's true, the region has been referred to as the Balkan peninsula for centuries. It stuck, internationally, but it's not meant to be offensive.monospaced
    • Well it is. Very.grafician
    • Also doing some deskop research while people who actually live there tell you otherwise is next level insulting

      But hey, QBN lives for flame wars
    • @monospaced when it comes to benefits nobody has issues with this label. it's also a common joke about how fucked up things still are compared to the weststed
    • Wait... Being balkan's offensive?pango
    • I wouldn't get offended if people said Canada's in US... I'd simply chuckle and reply "no it's not"pango
    • It's in America :)monospaced
    • balkanisation has become an offensive word... like americanisation.... for example...neverscared
    • balkanisation is equal with chaos, violence, brutality.. because of the splitting up and tensions since the war .neverscared
    • neo nazis in norway use the word for example .. like in - balkanisation of norway.. because of immigration ... def. some nazi jargon ..neverscared
    • sted probalby knew that and wanted to provoke of course, not the brightest in the brain..neverscared
    • Yes, this makes me want to go sleep or fuck my baker, is sted Hungarian?i_was
    • also romania is not balkanized in that sense... he was trying to smear it.neverscared
    • eww no it isn't a nazi jargon. maybe in some dumbcultures in norway...
      @i_was yep :)
    • balkan is also used normaly only for the former yugoslawian states. .. in media and public..never goes to romania or greek when the use it... so sted is justneverscared
    • playing some stupid game..neverscared
    • Just checked Wikipedia does not say it's Nazi jargoni_was
    • What is wrong Balkan Weenies? There is something seriously wrong with the world!utopian
    • @neverscared THANKS for actually taking the time and UNDERSTANDING the issuegrafician
    • @neverscared https://en.wikipedia…
    • and the rest is humans making things up, but only delusional person thinks that this means anything what makes him less or more.sted
    • simply put: in these cultures saying that somebody is from the Balkan, or behaves like a balkanize means less cooperative and European.sted
    • But like the url behind the Donkeymap shows, when it comes to simple things like tourism. All countries are standing up to show their Balkan heritage.sted
    • Yep, Tesla, Serbian. Btw he was a pigeon lover.i_was
    • btw where is this from? just pure curiosity lol…

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