Idle Thoughts

Out of context: Reply #111

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  • PhanLo0

    The day after the Las Vegas shooting, I had this thought, which after reading lots of gun fetishist posts, seems even more plausible now.

    Do you reckon a certain type of gun lover saw the Las Vegas shooting, heard about how the heat from the gun firing set the smoke alarms off, how the shooter was able to massacre the crowd with relative ease from a safe position and it turned them on enough to have a wank?

    I know what you're think woah woah, I have guns and I wouldn't have a chug over something so horrifying. But I don't mean you. I mean the oiling the gun with liberal tears guys.
    What do you reckon?

    I imagine for a certain type of gun fetishist, the Las Vegas shooting is the ultimate fantasy, after all that's what the gun is designed for, indiscriminate mass murder.

    Anyway, you might be disgusted by this thought, but you know it's true, someone had a wank over the Las Vegas shootings and now it's in your head too.

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