Joe Rogan of the Day

Out of context: Reply #67

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  • fooler0

    • plausible & realistic, and pretty much to be expected at this pointKrassy
    • delete this nightmaregarbage
    • He runs against Jon Stewart.palimpsest
    • Stewart just might be his running matePonyBoy
    • lol, in what universe does Stewart spend 5 minutes in a room with Rogan before calling him out on being a fucking moron?garbage
    • you catch Stewart on Colbert, garbage?…
    • I saw a headline about it, but don't tend to watch. Be a shame if Stewart has gone smooth-brain.garbage
    • ah... you're missing out, garbage... it's a funny clip not to mention it's nice to see someone thinking and speaking out logically for themselves :)PonyBoy
    • I think it was a bit, but I'm not sure. Wasn't his best if it was.garbage
    • nah... not a bit... felt like he meant what he said / wasn't performing as much as trying to soften the blow of something that unexpected coming from himPonyBoy
    • Parroting dangerously racist talking points without clarification or nuance is a bit reckless, and seems out of his wheelhouse.garbage
    • But also want to reiterate that Joe Rogan is the most well-compensated moron in history. He's a fucking idiot and somehow made bank.garbage
    • Apologies to our Gardener, but Joe is Chance the Gardener accidentally rising to the top of podcasting and making bank. He's a dangerous moron.garbage
    • Racist?! Lol... k... have a good one, garbage.PonyBoy
    • Actually.. you couldn’t have watched the clip and said that silliness, garbage... I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt you didn’t watch. :)PonyBoy
    • I did. You must be unfamiliar with the swathes of AA were feeling some workplace stress when "China Flu" and "Wuhan Flu" were being tossed around..garbage
    • some casual insult. Kind of like somebody tossed out pango's recipe and asked if it was "cat or dog".garbage
    • Shit's not ok, and if you want to limp off do it, but know that it's a dumb walk of shame if you didn't pick up what I was putting down.garbage
    • The virus was first detected in Wuhan... if you need me to link you to WHO's timeline showing that as a fact I can. There is nothing racist about that fact.PonyBoy
    • Comparing it to someone shit comment in in pango's post is quite weak, garbage... a true fact about a virus's origin is not racist. Please grow up.PonyBoy
    • If you don't know what a dog whistle is, you just might be the dog. Also the WHO itself has specific guidelines against naming viruses with regional names to..garbage
    • ..avoid racial and regional stigmata that could negatively impact people and places. But you knew that, right? And I'm sure you have lots of Asian American..garbage
    • ..coworkers that voiced their concerns over dangerous Trumpist rhetoric, and how AA racism is still gets a pass in America because it's "funny".garbage
    • Shut the fuck up, short pants.garbage
    • garbage... like I said... if you need me to share w/you the WHO's origin's as to where the virus began I still can. If you're so simple-minded that you can't...PonyBoy
    • ...handle a FACT and it triggers you to scream 'racism' then u r the one rocking the short pants, lil fella. Have a fun night making shit up to get angry at. <3PonyBoy
    • Also... I don't think anyone making a 'cat' or 'dog' comment with RACIST INTENT towards pango - it was in reference to the pic w/the recipe.PonyBoy
    • You instantly read something and couldn't help yourself... you associated it w/racism and applied it to your weak-ass argument you're trying to make here...PonyBoy
    • ... without slowing the fuck down and checking the pic at the end of the post. Stop LOOKING for racism at every turn... it makes you a dick, dude.PonyBoy
    • It's not a weak-ass argument, you just can't handle being called out. Go eat a fish lol.garbage
    • You called out John Stewart (*giggle)... I then called you out for having zero argument and looking like a tool for screaming racism cuz someone...PonyBoy
    • ...stated a fact. So... you need that WHO link or did you look it up? :) Where'd the virus start, garbage? What sort of medical facility exists in that town?PonyBoy
    • Careful how you answer though as you might sound like a racist and start berating yourself.PonyBoy
    • OH FUCK YOU for being nice about my pesca desires <3 <3 lol <3 <3
      okay okay... this conversation is going nowhere anyway. Sorry for getting heated too.
    • I knew this would go places.palimpsest

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