The Russia thread.

Out of context: Reply #157

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  • NBQ000

    • Scary shit if this goes off.NBQ00
    • the scary part is no-one will do anything about it, maybe some sancitions but that's it._niko
    • We're too busy debating gender pronouns, cancelling Christopher Columbus and banning straws to care about what's happening in the real world_niko
    • plus this covid thing that pr2 is trying to convince us doesn't exist and that JFK Jr is finally about to bust Hillary Clinton's pizza pedophile cabal wide open_niko
    • Nobody can really do anything or there‘s a nuclear war between the West & Russia.NBQ00
    • He's already secured the ports in the Crimea, what else does he want? Can't be just those bullshit Russian enclaves on the border. What's the game here?_niko
    • Ukraine cut off water to Crimea since annexation which is a major issue there. Besides NATO been doing big build up...NBQ00
    • Eastern Europe which Russia sees as thread and them being cornered.NBQ00
    • (*thread = threat)NBQ00
    • See here https://www.bloomber…NBQ00
    • what's the red line then? he invades Ukraine over the same bullshit excuses that the west has used in the past (minority rights like in Kosovo)_niko
    • does the west jump in or will they wait until Moldova, Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are overrun first?_niko
    • If there‘s a real all out war between Ukraine or Russia not much can be done or if NATO/ USA gets involved then it could escalate with nuclear weapons.NBQ00
    • sorry, scratch the baltic states, I guess they're already part of NATO and Russia wouldn't dare fuck with them...would they?_niko
    • meanwhile in China:
    • it's worth noting that only 3 people died when russia annexed the crimea. but a ton have died in battles between separatists and Ukrainian forceskingsteven
    • there's no reason to believe this wont also be a peaceful military backed operation to restore water to crimeakingsteven

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