World War 3

Out of context: Reply #117

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  • colin_s0

    world wars are likely over, though, right? i mean in a legitimate way if the superpowers ever actually decided to duke it out over world domination, that's just total annihilation ; i figure we'll continue on wars by proxy with perhaps some kind of "direct" confrontation by way of iran (i.e., US invasion for claims of WMD violations) or israel (like they'll start some shit and get the us involved by default).

    I also couldn't see the USA going to war and having that many people get in line to go fight. Like, anywhere, for some time... after the past year/s, I don't see some bullshit world police scenario getting popular support or new enlists.

    that being said, it must be a fun time to be an enemy of the US right now because the country is rife with opportunity for foreign powers to just prod at it, a wounded animal hiding under a rock.

    • listening to NPR right now, "is pres. biden ready to go to war with iran over the bomb?" (nervous laughter)colin_s
    • Your country's not particularly wounded, just suffering the after effects of four years of international embarrassment.Nairn
    • Yuval Noah Harari has predicted the end of world war in his books https://en.wikipedia…nb
    • Isn't this just describing how it's worked for the past 75 years? All the weapons build up and smaller conflicts are basically to change the balance of power,yuekit
    • which still does overwhelmingly favor the USA at this point. China is the big threat but they have one overseas military base, USA has 800.yuekit

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