
Out of context: Reply #72145

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  • stoplying24

    Yesterday was so great. I brought my boys 6 & 8 down to the lake to go skating and "play hockey". We brought our sticks and a puck and we would meet some neighbors and just goof around. I played hockey as a kid and my kids are learning (and improving).
    We got onto the ice and saw some other guys looking to start a game so if they were okay with my kids playing, then we'd all join. There were two 50+ year old Polish dudes, a young high school stud, and a few other guys who clearly still play in mens leagues so the level of skill was up.
    We played for over two hours with me holding my own, even scoring a few goals, and my kids did great. The best part was I would pass to my kids and everyone would back off and let them skate up to the goal and shoot. I was really touched by that and it was a really memorable day.
    I'm so unbelievably sore today that it's laughable. Groaning every time I get up from a chair but it was so worth it.

    • Lucky you, you and your sons will remember this day forever.OBBTKN
    • That sounds like a bloody good day.slappy
    • That is life well lived.shapesalad
    • awesome!BaskerviIle
    • I used to get to play with grown ups when I was a kid. And I always thought to myself "look how good I'm doing, I can totally hold my own"bogue
    • It's now clear that grown ups were making some room for a little kid to feel good about themselves and be stoked about the game.bogue
    • I bet those kids of yours won't forget yesterday anytime soon. I know I can still picture those sessions 30 years later.bogue
    • Lovelymort_
    • amazing, I jwas just saying how much I wanted to do this with my kids as well, the conditions are perfect this year,_niko
    • Old time hockey. Like Eddie Shore.JackRyan
    • That's an unbelievably great experience! Been in and out of beer league hockey for close to 15 years now, but here in Southern California I do roller hockey...nocomply
    • Bringing the boys to open skate time at the outdoor roller hockey rink isn't quite the same.nocomply
    • thanks for sharing the story! sounds like a great day on ice, specially for dad. parents deserve worry free days like these!api
    • Cool Dad!utopian

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