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Out of context: Reply #283

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  • grafician3

    • Commis!_niko
    • 2020 revealed that common sense is really raregrafician
    • Damn right niko, collective salvation is evil, individuals are responsible for themselves.Hayoth
    • there are two types of people: those who want to live the chinese and those who don't.hotroddy
    • clearly the former will eventually rule the world. USA is a pocket of resistance but will eventually lose it too.hotroddy
    • @hayoth Individuals are responsible for the community during a pandemic, you fucking dimbulb.garbage
    • @hotroddy Please describe what it means to "live the chinese", oh wise one.garbage
    • sorry, 'live like the chinese'. where individualism, diversity, social justice, me too movement, BLM movement and all other civil liberties are crushed.hotroddy
    • no suing the gov't b/c your feelings got hurt. everything these 'woke' movements stand for.hotroddy
    • i doubt you have a subscription to WSJ but if you do this article sums it up:hotroddy
    • above link is broken:…
    • to enjoy the coming bounce backs, now with the dramatic triumph that georgia senate goes to the witty liberals.neverscared
    • oh stfu hotroddy, nothing would make you happier than to have the US gov "crush" social justice, BLM and civil liberties. Derpmonospaced
    • You do realize it's the Democrats that are defending those things, right? The only group looking to undermine our freedom are the conservatives.monospaced
    • Listen, I'm the first to admit trump is an idiot and he lost the election. Individual freedoms are protected from the right not left.hotroddy
    • In the last 50 years the world has seen authoritarianism come from the left not right.hotroddy
    • These 'social justice' movements are the ones promoting the narrative the USA is inherently evil.hotroddy
    • If one of these movements gain enough political control, they will gladly impose on individual freedoms as long it's for the 'greater good'.hotroddy
    • And these 'social justice' movements only exist today thanks to the principles laid out in this "inherently evil' country.hotroddy
    • Lol, you're so confused if you think the US is in any way on the same trajectory. American authoritarianism is textbook RWA.garbage
    • And if you can't understand that things ranging from wearing a mask or acknowledging that we've swept our nation's sins..garbage
    • ..under the rug, you're part of the reason that this country is broken. Stop whining.garbage
    • Haha. People are fleeing your state like rats because they helped convert your city into a shithole.hotroddy
    • That same victim/loser mentality is probably the cause of why you’re broke and alonehotroddy
    • and it's funny how USA swept it's nations sins 'under the rug' when Hollywood has made 100 movies about it.hotroddy
    • yet brazil, panama, colombia, venezuela, trinidad & tobago, jamaica, bahamas, surinam, barbadoes + 20 othershotroddy
    • ...whom all partook in slavery and live in worse conditions then they're American counter parts don't have social justice movements bc..hotroddy
    • ...they can't find loser white people whom love the feeling of moral exculpation to manipulate for political gain.hotroddy
    • You somehow make even less sense when you're triggered. SAD.garbage
    • whats sad is the small little world you occupy that is incapable of understandinghotroddy
    • Oh no. The illiterate moron is having problems typing again.garbage
    • dude, america is kinda inherently evil though, and it's very american to fight for equal rightsmonospaced
    • you act like social justice is socialism, and that's why you come off as a fool on the subjectmonospaced
    • socialism is social justice. they'd rather have a gov't check than a pay check. A paycheck would require workhotroddy

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