
Out of context: Reply #1826

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  • trooperbill2

    so the deals largely done with 3 main sticking points

    Level playing field rules - the EU gave canada a deal where they have to meet the EUs current rules. but they want the UK to mirror all current and future rules (literally one rule for one and another for another)

    Adherence - the EU want the European Court of Justice to be the arbitrator of any future disputes - hardly seems fair

    Fishing - having obliterated the UKs fishing industry when we joined maastricht in the 1990s, the french want to continue to fish in uk waters after brexit. im sure theres a specific deal to be done but what do we get back for that?

    at least thats what the media seems to be saying

    • oh forgot to say early on we were offered a canada style deal which the EU then took awaytrooperbill
    • Jonny French can fuck off!Khurram
    • So basically nothing has been resolved?yuekit
    • Sounds like you'll either end up as a member of the EU in all but name but without any voting rights. Or suffering severe economic damage at the worstyuekit
    • possible time. Doesn't seem like a great choice.yuekit
    • trooper seems to have skim-read this morning's daily express.Fax_Benson
    • https://www.turbulen…Bluejam
    • lol some real Dad's Army shit right here.face_melter
    • Brexit blinkers approved.fadein11
    • I know it's UK is fucked time, but did they manage to sneak through allowing us to have bendy bananas? Because I was really worried about that.PhanLo
    • Here's an idea, make a union with Canada so you can enjoy the same deal benefits they have.
      Oh, wait...
    • Your whining reminds me of Chris Rock's bit on alimony.
      "You leave, you ain't eating no more. They don't owe you a steak!"

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