Conspiracy of the day

Out of context: Reply #928

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  • renderedred2

    • math checks out. but that would be socialism, what are we a bunch of commis?_niko
    • lolGuyFawkes
    • i wouldn't mind being a comminazi with a billion dollars.renderedred
    • I was just thinking that Jeff Bezos is real life Santa Claus – guy can legitimately deliver to all the world's children in one night, and he already knows...BaskerviIle
    • ...what's on their lists and all their behaviours etc. Only difference is his elves and reindeer are underpaid workersBaskerviIle
    • Do Santa's elves and reindeer get paid?Nairn
    • hmm, maybe not, will have to consult primary source material: Elf w/Will FerrellBaskerviIle
    • Maths isn't a strong point round here is it? Try he could give every person *1* dollarcomicsans
    • @comicsans, seriously, that's the first thing I noticed too. Are people that stupid?monospaced
    • also. bezos doesn't *have* 121 billion dollars, the value of his stock + assets is $186 billion. if he sold all his stock at once it would tank the valuesarahfailin
    • he would profit, though, so it doesn't really matter :)monospaced
    • @comicsans, obviously the reason the tweet was posted was because the humour in how wildly off the maths is. Anyway, it's $17 each that Jeff owes usBaskerviIle
    • @sarah and even in the wildly hypothetical situation where he did give one billion to everyone on earth, having a billion dollars would be the new $0.garbage
    • Then you'd have 6.9bn broke billionaires waiting in line for $100,000 lattes.garbage
    • exactly_niko
    • It’s just a troll tweet. There’s plenty of those going around and people think it’s real.NBQ00
    • Yeah. It taking traction as a troll tweet just shows how dumb half of our country is. If they can't do basic math, how can they comprehend the dismal science?garbage
    • Ability to end poverty with only 1$ would be amazing.SimonFFM
    • At least this serves to point out the real problem. It's not about how much one person has but how little some (not most) have.palimpsest
    • The error is not in bad maths but in wanting to benefit every person.palimpsest
    • Stop scratching your ass and work fucking commiei_was
    • Mer il et fou.palimpsest
    • @palimpsest Agreed.garbage
    • Yup lol that math totally checks out.pango
    • Bezos doesn't have 121 billion dollars.nb
    • There are more than 7 billion people.nb
    • It would cost more than 1 billion to give each person 1 billion because there are fees.nb
    • I'm just writing nonsense because this thread is so dumbnb
    • This is the way.palimpsest

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