Out of context: Reply #406

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  • colin_s1

    One interesting thing I've found in moving from Adobe to Affinity is the distinct lack of convenience. It's sort of how I feel when I go travel in Europe... it's not that things are difficult, but in America they're just designed to be easier - however, the trade-off is having increasingly bloated and useless systems.

    As books are my primary medium, there's just so much I've gotten used to be able to shortcutting in InDesign (that otherwise should just be traits of Photoshop or Illustrator)... now in the Affinity suite, it's just I have to do the work the program is designed to do in that particular program.

    Which, I mean, is how it should be. But it is strange how unlearning that added convenience layer can be such a difficult task.

    • Examples of US vs EU convenience systems?Nairn
    • ^ it's the walking and the salads that always get 'emMrT
    • This is why I have had a hard time adapting to GIMP. All the tools are there, same as PS, but it is those YEARS of experience with PS UI...i just KNOW itdkoblesky
    • Well so if there's no more Photoshop next year, you go out of business? Adapt, most design apps are 90% the same, commongrafician
    • well...this is why I use Gimp and only pay Adobe for AE....the one program Open Source cannot substitutedkoblesky

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