Joe Biden of the day

Out of context: Reply #88

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  • BaskerviIle7

    Joe Biden and his campaign, the democrats, their supporters etc need to stop mentioning Trump at all for the next 60 days if they want to win. They need to stop giving him the oxygen of publicity.

    What they don't realise is that every mention of Trump's name is strengthening his recognition in people's heads. It doesn't matter that they spend all their time criticising or skewering him the point is that so much of their message focuses on Trump. They need to reframe around Biden. Trump has way higher recognition, even if it's bad associations. Biden needs to be seen as a leader, not merely reacting to a bad president. People need to go to the polls with Biden's name in their heads, not Trump's.

    I think the entire left side of the spectrum need to agree to entirely ignore Trump and not dare say his name until election day. Same goes for the left-leaning media. All you hear is Trump on every media platform. Whether it's for good or bad reasons, the point is, Trump's name dominates the conversation, both sides spend all their time talking about him.

    Those who have already decided who to vote for can be disregarded for the moment. The undecideds may consciously or unconsciously be swayed towards Trump merely because his name is out there more. To counteract this Biden's name needs to dominate the conversation, which it's currently a very long way from doing.

    • +1 The issue is that they have very little proactive things to talk about other than 'we're not trump'. There seems to be some serious questions around..Morning_star
    • ...Biden's suitability and health and his running mate seems to be a response to the current social climate rather than a formidable opponent.Morning_star
    • In what sense is Biden, Harris or the rest of them 'Left'?Phrenological
    • Trump is the POTUS, the incumbent. Not mentioning his is a bit 'ears in fingers' no?Phrenological
    • @Phrenological – I agree, no one in the US political spectrum is 'Left' but democrats are left of Republicans for sure (they're all Right wing from my UK view)BaskerviIle
    • It's hardly 'fingers in ears' we've had 4 years of conversation about Trump. We know he's racist, incompetent, corrupt etc You're either convinced or not by nowBaskerviIle
    • those pesky 'radical left' democrats bwahahahafadein11
    • same here, they'd be conservatives in canada. but agree they need to shut up about trump.Gnash
    • Problem is the Democrats aren't passionate about Biden and there are legit questions about his suitability, so it's out of necessity that it's all TrumpMondoMorphic
    • It’s possible to discuss trump without hanging on his every word and blunder day in and out.monospaced

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