Out of context: Reply #1063

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  • PonyBoy0

    My wife just informed me that my 'indoor' shoes will be arriving on Friday... I'm supposed to Mr-Rodger these fuckers the moment I walk into the house I 'tend to bring more shit in w/me than the dog' (according to my wife)... :P

    Fuck yeah... getting me some black on black checkered slip-ons!

    • haha 'indoor' shoes - it's actually a good idea - fuck, we're getting old aren't we?mathinc
    • ha... now that you mention it... yep :)PonyBoy
    • Serious question - most Americans keep shoes on in the house?? ...up here in Canada eh? shoes are off minute you walk in the doorStatic_Line
    • depends on the people / home (some snobby twats w/perfect floors and furniture demand no shoes whereas my mom's ranch has more animals...PonyBoy
    • ... living in the house than humans so shoes aren't really an issue).PonyBoy
    • Lol gotcha - even if someone roasted a goat in their living room and took a piss in the corner we’d prob still take our shoes off in someone else’s houseStatic_Line
    • ...not sure how or why we ended up with it that way up hereStatic_Line
    • My Mom-in-law will barely let you on her outdoor porch w/shoes... to attempt to even step inside w/them on is taking your life in your hands. :)PonyBoy
    • I have thesemoldero
    • My 'house shoes' are adidas slidesmisterhow
    • I've had house shoes. I don't like to not have shoes on.CyBrainX

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