
Out of context: Reply #528

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  • Milan3

    Meanwhile Jeff Pesos made $13 billion in a day.

    • this is absolutely. fucking. insane.colin_s
    • Even putting aside Jeff making 13 billion, this is pretty fucked situation.yuekit
    • What happens when 37% of people in a state get evicted? Where the fuck are they going to go?PhanLo
    • ^Why would any society not fight for that not to happen Milan? What benefit does that have to collective prosperity?PhanLo
    • Just kidding, it's America, of course it'll happen.PhanLo
    • See I don't see the point of bringing how much money this guy or another made in a day, this isn't his responsibility, you should be pointing at the governmenternexbcn
    • if anything Bezos is at least providing jobs to quite a few people, wanna tax him more? be my guest, they are also asking to be taxed more, at least some haveernexbcn
    • from outside the US, it's crazy you have money for pretty much any war but cannot seem to provide a social net for the people in need, this includes healthcareernexbcn
    • but blaming this on the billionaires is disingenuous in my opinion, the problem is elsewhereernexbcn
    • why does one person need $200 billion? the jobs he's creating are minimum wage. his workers/slaves are barely making ends meet.Milan
    • Milan makes a good point. Close Amazon now! Until someone runs a company for livable wage shut them all downdeathboy

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