USA to UK relocation guide

Out of context: Reply #25

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  • zaq-1

    maybe UK is not the best place to relocate afterwards:

    The current UK government is a nationalist, ideology driven mess highly akin to the Trump movement. The party purged a substantial number of their more moderate membership and attempted to remove the UK parliament from equal footing with the executive and turn it into a lower chamber with no mandate to do so from the electorate.

    They now have a massive majority, around 5 versions of Fox News gifting them widespread support and the country is on it's knees with a botched covid response. Things are bad in America - but they are also extremely bad in the UK.

    Right wing Populism is laying waste to established democracies. It's gotten to the point now that England's sad slow march into idiocy is going to cost them the Union. Scotland looking very likely to leave and probably pretty imminently and Northern Ireland seems to be aligning more with Ireland these days so it's all gone a bit tits up.

    • "5 versions of Fox News"

      Where was this published?
    • Just move to somewhere lovely like Portugal. UK as of 31 Dec 2020 will be effectively a bigger pile of shite than it is currently.shapesalad
    • No way Scotland will leave. Had it chance in 2014 and shat it. Current SNP leadership more interested in tranny rights than independence.Doris_McSquirter
    • if only these things were unique to the UK in the European context. We're not that diverged from France and Spain, certainly, other EU members too.Nairn
    • nngh.. 'France and Italy' even.Nairn
    • I think Germany is overdue a populist jolting schism - there's a certain dutiful, befeared pragmatism in the population that's holding it back. For now.Nairn
    • Which is to say, where the US leads, the UK follows, and Europe too in turn.Nairn
    • This is pretty accurate aside from "5 Fox News" - our media is bad but even at its worst it rarely gets that bad aside from the The Sun and Daily Mail.fadein11
    • @doris - 'No way Scotland will leave'.
      May I ask where you're from, or if you've spent any practical amount of time in Scotland?
    • Am Scottish neebs.Doris_McSquirter
    • After Brexit there's no way will major consitutional change be decided by a referendum in the UK.Doris_McSquirter
    • Current SNP leadership arent really into Indie anyhow. And there are big scandals in the offing for Nilkla & co...Doris_McSquirter
    • Dunno, man - I'm from a non-independence background and i see it differently. I don't live there, so could be massively mistaken. Every time I go there though?Nairn
    • And, if you're Scottish and, presumably, an old-timer QBNer - who the fuck are you? lol
    • Mainly relating to the Salmond inquiry (which started today) but also re SNP financies. Money 'ringfenced' for IndieRef2 has been spent by "Mr" Sturgeon.Doris_McSquirter
    • They should have thrown Salmond under the bus years ago.kingsteven

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