Out of context: Reply #109

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  • SteveJobs0

    I'm going to state what could likely be a very unpopular opinion here, but I think the title of the campaign 'black lives matter' itself is the source of it's own controversy - and needlessly so. It's too succinct for its own good amid a crisis that could use some exhaustive and well-articulated communication.

    If the issues surrounding the title didn't exist, this would be an understandably confusing statement. One might think the intent IS, in fact, to imply one race is more important or deserving than another. If #BLM didn't yet exist and someone came up with 'white lives matter', no matter the context, this would without a doubt require some serious explanation and finessing.

    So what I'm observing is those who don't face the same oppression and lack the context this title serves to remind us of, are left questioning its intent, ultimately causing severe backlash among those who do 'get it', and further clouding a situation that's already not clear enough to those it's so succinctly trying to spread the message to in the first place.

    The ones who respond with 'all lives matter' aren't wrong, but they are missing the point. So the question is, was the point made clearly enough? I'm a big proponent of good communication. It's so very lacking in society at so many levels that I'm rarely surprised how many controversies arise as a result of poor, reckless, or lazy communication. And I have to wonder, is this a prime example of that. Should a campaign slogan need an explanation? Should it not clearly and effectively communicate its message to the audience it's trying to reach? I for one think so.. <emoji shrug for days>

    Aaand in case it needs to be explicitly stated, I can both hold an opinion that questions the execution of a cause and support that cause itself - at the exact same time. :)

    • The key to this is resolution. On the face of it BLM as a movement name doesn't reflect the resolution necessary to understand the issues. At the moment BLM...Morning_star
    • ...as a movement isn't cohesive, maybe it will never be. It could do with a manifesto and some identifiable spokespeople. The link needs to be made between...Morning_star
    • ...BLM as a rallying cry and the complex issues it believes in.Morning_star
    • White privilege much?utopian
    • utopian, state that without the sarcasm? The heckler thing isn't conducive to constructive communication and serves no purpose other than self indulgence.SteveJobs
    • I'm genuinely puzzled that anyone would have a problem with the name. The context is people getting shot, the original post was "Our lives matter. Black livesyuekit
    • matter." In other words, stop shooting us, not we are superior to you. Seems pretty clear to me.yuekit
    • But I guess the inability to understand is representative of the total divide in American society.yuekit
    • yuekit, depends on what you mean when you say 'total divide'. I don't think ALL of the 'ALM' group are being intentionally obtuse.SteveJobs
    • Gradual, evolutionary societal change is effective & resilient. Radical, violent moments appear to make short-term gain, but unleash backlash & 2 steps back.BustySaintClaire
    • Busty, which of those are you implying characterize the BLM movement?SteveJobs
    • I tend to agree with you. All the confusion around the name of the otherwise very well-intentioned movement suggests as much.MondoMorphic
    • There is no confusion on where people stand when they reply "All lives matter" to "Black lives matter".deadsperm
    • ^@dead actually there is a lot of confusion especially with ppl in other countries that don't quite get the situation in the US.grafician
    • the question is to who? are they saying they don't matter do white people? To cops? to other black people?_niko
    • ^but overall, no, there should be no confusion - at least if you are decent, smart person.grafician
    • deadsperm, I respectfully disagree. Be careful to not assume others' understanding or comprehension of any matter by projecting your own.SteveJobs
    • @SteveJobs in some ways your concern is valid, and yes, the movement is just that a movement, no direct leadership - for police to harass even more...grafician
    • @SteveJobs Would "All Black Lives Matter" change the message in any way?grafician
    • anyway, racism comes from ignorance and lack of respect - it is not pure hate as no person is born hateful, so as it can be taught, it can untaught.grafician
    • grafician, i think that would change it in a profound way._niko
    • Words take meaning within a context. I find it hard to believe that people in America don't get what BLM means in the American context.deadsperm
    • I don't claim to know what the general public might comprehend or understand As an example "Black lives matter too" seems obvious to me but maybe not to others?SteveJobs
    • At least the understand it enough to think they need to reply with All Lives Matter.
      That's petty. Fuck those people.
    • I don't think they're going to change the slogan at this point guysyuekit
    • @dead In America it has a direct meaning according to local context. In other countries, it can be interpreted generally as "Stop Racism" without losing focus.grafician
    • But yes, if a person understands the context and still screams "All lives matter" it's punches for! No doubt about it.grafician
    • BUT if another person screams "All lives matter" WITHOUT knowing the BLM specific context and thinking they support the movement, that's just silly of themgrafician
    • When someone says ALL L.M. that's a great moment to help them understand why it's not really the right moment, and that this is a serious issuenb
    • deadsperm, fighting intolerance with more intolerance and explitives won't get you anywhere. You'll just alienate the group who's support you're trying to win.SteveJobs
    • America is a very complex country with lots of issues that need to be understood very well before talking about it. This goes for everyone, both local & foreigngrafician
    • @yuekit, of course not, but I think the discussion is valuable as a retrospective.SteveJobs
    • But as a BIG communication problem, most ppl listen to reply, not listening to understand and learn. This is the big elephant in the room everywhere.grafician
    • To be extra clear, I'll extend an olive branch to those that claim to not really get what BLM stands for and seek to understand it.deadsperm
    • But I'm totally against those that think BLM is controversial and respond with All Lives Matter. They don't get a pass on the excuse of ignorance from me.deadsperm
    • I rest my case:
    • ah thank you steve for not responding emotionally and going with trendsdeathboy
    • i think its pretty obvious that the idea BLM is to alientate, divide and try to gain different sets of rights. Think the name is succinct to the point whiledeathboy
    • denying it. why the hate to ALM in regard to police brutality? police authority goes beyond race. even the current case involved has nothing to with racismdeathboy
    • if its a movement supporting all lifes why get pissed at the mention? also curious of all the races why it is so common this one.deathboy
    • hispanics for sure probably more abused by police, covid 19 asian race killings, but no issues. culturally it is very interesting why always blackdeathboy
    • dont have an answer. just really interesting culturally. is it media, or ways cultures handle stuff.deathboy
    • @SteveJobs, you're boring, are you French or descendant of French ?i_was
    • deathboy put the nail in the coffin.deadsperm

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