Donald Trump

Out of context: Reply #3917

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  • nb8

    Trump just announced a 60-day ban on green cards to help fight Coronavirus. Fucking GREEN CARDS.

    Think about that. The process takes years, a ban isn't going to do anything. Also who is hiring right now? You know how hard it is to get sponsored for a Green Card in normal non-crisis times? Oh don't forget that USCIS is closed for interviews along with the rest of the country. No one could get a green card right now anyway.

    This is clearly, 100% absolutely a "we want to remind everyone that we still hate immigrants!" policy. It will achieve nothing. Trump is wasting time, wasting money, wasting his breath. This is what we get when we don't allow an egomaniacal baby-man to have his rally parties. What a piece of shit.

    All this (let's not forget) while Americans are dying at a crazy rate, healthcare is crumbling under the weight and the economy is so fucking off-the-charts bad that we are effectively a socialist country at the moment!!!

    • +1fooler
    • Who's going to pick our cotton, green beans and tomatoes now? #MAGAutopian
    • ...aaaand he's gonna be re-elected for FOUR more looooong years.Bennn
    • Why isn't there more anger and ridicule? Trumps idiocy has caused thousands of deaths. "A hoax" "Under control" "Warmer weather"...inteliboy
    • everything is tippy toprenderedred
    • he's desperate to deflect attention away from the dead bodies piling updorf

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