Out of context: Reply #333

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  • Nairn0

    Anyone here ever experience problems opening a PSD in one version of PS, whilst it loads OK in another?

    My laptop runs PS 2020 whereas my work machine here is on 2014.

    A client's layer and Bitmap-heavy file runs ok in my older version of PS, but simply won't function properly on my laptop - it'll load, but then it seizes PS up totally. If I show/hide a layer, I have to force a screen redraw to effect the change (eg. by tabbing the tools palettes away and back again). If I try and DO anything with the file, it's just refuses to budge. It's so fucked I can't even flatten layers or save out a copy and see if that makes any difference. So odd.

    It's not a resource issue either - my laptop actually has more RAM than my desktop here, and Task Manager was saying PS was only taking 2 and a bit gig.

    I've never in my 24-odd years of using PS encountered something like this.

    • affinity photo.
      just saying
    • Funny you should say that - the client's just sent me an .afdesign file, which is a first. His useless designer hasn't got a fucking clue what they're doing.Nairn
    • Oh God, He's made the logo from a mix of vector and masked bitmaps. Nnngh. I fucking hate dealing with shitty designers who don't know their craft.Nairn
    • No idea, but hell yes that is super weird. Photoshop is a mish-mash of code for sure, but as long as you've got "maximum compatibility" on, files open wherever.evilpeacock
    • Maybe it's the graphics acceleration on the laptop? Shared ram for GPU and CPU? Try turning off the GPU acceleration and see if it helps.monNom
    • Yeah, that was the first thing I thought monNom (well, first technical thing - I thought many expletives prior). No dice.Nairn
    • Had the same problem recently opening an old file. I don't have a fix, I just slowly extracted what I needed and moved on...zarkonite

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