Signs your getting old?

Out of context: Reply #836

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  • Morning_star25

    I was delayed at security attempting to catch a flight back to the UK from Lagos, Nigeria. I’m forced to run to the plane in sauna-like heat with approximately 30 tonnes of camera equipment. As I reach the plane the door is closing and I’m drenched in sweat - not the greatest start to a 9hr flight. I barely make it to my seat. As if to add insult to injury, the inflight entertainment system is fucked.

    Pieters, the KLM Steward, has taken pity on me and i'm already two whiskey and cokes down. We discuss beard care and I enquire as to his ability to get fat Thor on my aeroplane tele. "I'll reset it sir, it may take a few minutes".

    Fifteen minutes goes by and i'm pressing the screen, trying to choose English as my preferred language, the guy sat next to me is having the same problem. Pieters is on trolley duty, I wait until he delivers our meals and enquire again about my sky tele. "Still not working sir? give me a few minutes and i'll reset the system again. Sorry, this sometimes happens."

    Pieters delivers another whiskey and coke and explains that the system has reset and I should have no more problems. He hangs around whilst I try to select the right language, firmly and purposefully pressing the screen but ultimately unsuccessful. I look up towards what i now believe to be an incompetent Peiters, he leans over and whispers "Sir... it's not touch screen, the remote control is in the arm of your seat"

    • hahahaha, wonderfulNairn
    • lol. good old Pieters.Fax_Benson
    • hahahahahahaahahahaa...necromation
    • Ey! How was the Lagos session? Never been there, Is it as chaotic as I could read?OBBTKN
    • Pics?OBBTKN
    • Actually, you're not getting old... Its their system who's old man!Bennn
    • Nigeria is chaotic and brutal. We had armed guards - which cause more issues that they solve. We did shoots in Lagos, Abuja and Benin. I ate snake and dog...Morning_star
    • ...not out of choice. Getting the plan back and travelling through Lagos airport is one of the worst experiences i've had in my life.Morning_star
    • My partner's organised shoots over there and armed guards, thievery and bribery are par for the course. Sounds 'fun'.Nairn
    • it seems bribery and kick backs are a national sport.Morning_star
    • You could turn this into a film. Well played!ideaist
    • Welcome to Upvote City - where you're the Mayor!stoplying
    • Ironically this could also be a sign you're a millenial.zarkonite
    • I hope Peiters snuck a shot or two of said whiskey... sounds like he deserved it as much as you :)PonyBoy
    • I can't sleep on planes so whilst the rest pf the plane slept myself a Pieters shared a few camp fire stories and half a bottle of Jamesons in the back galley..Morning_star
    • ...he is an excellent human being.Morning_star
    • wowtimeless

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