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Out of context: Reply #3773

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  • PonyBoy1

    Calif. governor signs bill allowing college athletes to sign endorsements…

    "Colleges reap billions from student athletes but block them from earning a single dollar." —Gavin Newsom

    It's about time these kids got something out of it (and spare me your 'they get a free education' bullshit... these kids rake in millions for these schools (and sponsors - local to national))... it's about fucking time these kids got something back given they're the ones taking the beating.

    • fuuuuuu ... this is part of why schools are getting more expensive ... this is gonna be so much worse nowmonospaced
    • how so? ...schools aren't paying the kids— endorsers are... there is no added cost to the school (they're not paying the kids a dime)PonyBoy
    • What a weird industry. But fuck it, better than coming out in debt and killing themselves.PhanLo
    • I stopped at the subhead, "In ripping the NCAA, Gov. Gavin Newsom said...". that mofo is our Trudeau and he's eyeing the WH in 2024! Mark my words!robotron3k
    • How are the schools gonna pay for their D.I.E. departments now?Gnash
    • Good for them kidspango
    • The added cost is when the school builds bigger sports facilities or stadiums and pours money into the program to get more athletes.monospaced
    • Schools, ultimately, pay for the kids who then get endorsements. That’s how it’s always worked.monospaced
    • I think the money should be put in escrow otherwise it destroys the spirit of the student athlete. Imagine them pulling up in a Ferrari and an entourage._niko
    • Or just do what baseball does and have semi- professional minor leagues. What’s the point of there one and done athletes anyway? College is pretty useless for t_niko
    • Put it in a trust that they can access after they leave is what I meant to say a couple of notes up._niko
    • What spirit are you talking about? the spirit that makes school billions while the students get treated like slaves? there's stories out there of top playerszarkonite
    • going hungry because their scholarships were too stingy. This is ridiculous, if you have the talent to make that money then it's yours because this is America.zarkonite
    • So much fun to be had with this if you're rich and have a sense of humor.mg33
    • ... start a brand, make outrageous clothing nobody would be caught dead in, and pay student athletes millions to wear it 24/7.mg33
    • What zark said. I know you're kidding mg33 but if this idea takes off countrywide you're looking at a new huge sports market that'll only keep 'us' busy—gimmie.PonyBoy
    • You ever see Rudy? That’s the spirit of collegiate sports. Student athletes playing for the love of the game and for their school._niko
    • Money made goes back into facilities, infrastructure, equipment, scholarships so that the next generation is able to reap the benefits of higher education_niko
    • But that’s not what we’re talking about here. If Nike wants to throw money at Zion Williams so be it, he should be able to cash in on his image._niko
    • Oxford vs Cambridge rowing, Michigan vs Ohio state football, duke vs North Carolina basketball you think anyone in the hundreds of years of these rivalries_niko
    • ...Has stepped onto the field and thought, man this is bullshit I don’t want to be here without getting paid , this is “slave labour” lol_niko
    • @niko, money made goes back to paying the insanely huge bills for hosting games, at the expense of tuition rising for EVERYONE ELSEmonospaced
    • it's a bad ideamonospaced

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