Sagmeister Walsh

Out of context: Reply #149

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  • 171 Responses
  • imbecile3

    there are literally two users attacking two other users here.

    everyone else is evidently fair & neutral enough to avoid the attack the other two are receiving.

    that said, the two boisterous high & mighties may want to refrain from continually using the term "this board" and "this community" when it is obvious to everyone that you are attacking a very small minority, a minority not even hiding from you, mind you.

    what influence do you believe these users have that their opinion is gospel and represents a number of people larger than one?

    it would better serve you to address individual users directly, than continue to snivel about the entire forum.

    • agree, if you feel it's out of hand... address. No reason to shut down a thread because of what's in here.ben_
    • Yes, opinions are welcome, it's ok to call bullshit on someone who haa a complete meltdown when anyone posts the words, "fertile young women". Srsly.robotron3k
    • I hope that NBQ does not quit us as well as fate, etc... Things appeared to get a bit out of control really quickly:)utopian
    • :)deathboy

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