
Out of context: Reply #27

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  • Nairn19

    Not sure where satellites come into the 5G question - they won't emit that sort of radiation as that's not the realm or scope it's intended for (short distance and wavelength). I'd be more concerned about other military radiation like radars and such. But heck, even if 20,000 satellites in low orbit are somehow emitting unhealthy radiation - you have to take into account the low power generation and density of these type of small-fry satellties. There's simply no physical way such devices could cause humans physical or health problems at ground level, even if we didn't have an atmosphere that soaks up 5G... .

    If there were a multitude of satellites up there with multi-megawatt fusion generators I'd start getting concerned, but there's just no way solar on small satellite can generate enough energy to cause anything like worrisome problems.

    I don't really think that 5G will be a health catastrophe for humans - I may well be wrong (especially kids in small rooms with high concentrations of always-on wireless) - but there's enough people smarter than I to be asking the right questions and doing the right research to highlight if this will be a problem. It's just a form of radiation, and if there's one thing we've done since we evolved from oxygen-consuming surface-dwelling eukaryotes is create defences against radiation. Heck, as a ginger I'm quite aware of biological difference in this regard.


    I do, however, worry about what effect this sort of thing - and I'd include 4G and contemporary wavelengths in this - has on creatures smaller than us. I've entertained the suspicion for a while now that high particulate emissions and cell tower radiation might have a part to play in our problems with apparent insect die-offs.

    I don't think they're getting fried and I don't think they've time to develop cancers and the sort of conditions that we humans fret about, but I do wonder if we're fundamentally missing some aspect of their physiology and perception of the world that is we're simply blind to, because of our difference in scale.

    Anyway, there's this, which you can wade through...

    Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz


    • Whoooops, that was a bit longer than I intended. Sorry!Nairn
    • Pesticides have been highly implicated in colony collapse disorder.sarahfailin
    • solar radiation > 5g radiation. no need to worry.dorf
    • https://5g.co.uk/new…set
    • Do you know what backhaul is, set?Nairn
    • Yes, the opposite of fronthaulset
    • and 90 degrees from sidehaulset
    • Just because they're not beaming the 5G themselves, doesn't make it any less dangerous, the planet being covered in 5Gset
    • I should say any less significant, rather than dangerous.set
    • Why am I still here? :)set
    • yeah we would have died long ago if all this crap was truemekk

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