Game of Thrones

Out of context: Reply #1394

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    Just watched it. It's ... well, it's arse-flatteningly long. And it kind of felt like I ate three party-sized pizzas in a row, after watching this; too much of a good thing.

    Now, I'm left wondering if the remaining three episodes will be even remotely interesting. With the threat of the White Walkers gone, it kind of feels like the whole Cersei/King's Landing arc is just mundane daily business.

    • I will admit, though, I was really sad about Lyanna. But she did her bit, and was heroic to the very end.Continuity
    • the "greatest threat in the world" was so easily overcome, seems like cersi would be nothing, esp with 2 dragons stillcolin_s
    • There's also the added problem that a few characters have basically no investment in the Cersei arc and, thus, nothing really to do now.Continuity
    • Like Jon Snow; I doubt very much he gives much of a rat's arse about the Lannisters.Continuity
    • anti-climactic for sure. Should have slaughtered 80% of them then the remaining fall back to king's landing for an unholy allience with Cersei for a final stand_niko
    • "easily over come" Wasn't the entire north just wiped out except for a bunch of the main characters?inteliboy
    • Amazing episode, but disappointed only that no more main characters died. I thought Arya, the hound and maybe Tormund would escape and get to KL for a scrap.Luda

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