Game of Thrones

Out of context: Reply #1384

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  • colin_s1

    Downvote me all you want, but that show was the equivalent of Donald Trump serving McDonalds on $500,000 state silver and pretending it's filet mignon. and the people who defend it will eat it the fuck up and play along.

    the gaps in logic needed to assume that every main character on the front line survived after a dothraki horde was wiped out in 20 seconds, not to mention the hour's worth of carnage after - not even including after the dead get raised, and everyone somehow survives again... i don't know if it's laziness or a desire to create some "few vs all" narrative at king's landing but that was unbelievably bad writing.

    yes, the action was great, except for the parts where main characters were swarmed under entire piles of undead only to survive. but come the fuck on. the writers were obviously out of their depth last season with the whole "7 people go north, take on the undead, survive and make it back in a few hours" ... this was just inexcusable for being the ultimate battle built since S1E1 scene 1.

    • i have only loved thsi show for the fight scenes - both their execution but also the emotional weight they carry. that was hollywood transformers.colin_s
    • Yeah it's missing the nihilistic spirit of the first few seasons where expectations were constantly undermined.yuekit
    • It's now become much more of a standard fantasy story. Biggest disappointment for me is that they killed off the night king or whatever his name was withoutyuekit
    • delving into his motivations or back story. I was hoping for some sort of twist there but turns out he's just yet another evil guy who wants to wipe out theyuekit
    • world for no apparent reason lol.yuekit
    • even without nihilistic spirit, this was beyond the scope of reality. everyone on the front lines / in the main battle died except the main castcolin_s
    • how did they manage to make the 'biggest fight scene' seem so fucking small. really piss poor everything.kingsteven
    • and yet they managed to kill off the only 3 actors i knew of before GOT???kingsteven
    • @colin That was definitely an issue in terms of the main cast (even the fat neckbeard guy) all miraculously surviving. Just saying, the bigger disappointmentyuekit
    • Even though I mostly enjoyed this episode, you're right. This was the most un-GOT episode yet. White Walkers slaying everyone and ...section_014
    • IMO is the lack of new storytelling ideas. Anyone could have come up with this ending -- no real twists or surprises there at all.yuekit
    • ... marching to king's landing would have been more fitting. With maybe one or two survivors from the main cast.section_014

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