Game of Thrones

Out of context: Reply #1356

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  • colin_s0

    I'm sort of surprised there isn't a betting pool for who lives / who dies and who kills who for all this online somewhere. or maybe there is and i'm too lazy.

    either way i'm hoping the writers don't just make them all hero journey tales (like, jamie lannister dying a hero after starting a villain , which it looks like they're setting up)

    would be stoked to see everything go to shit in proper GoT fashion, where the aunt-fucker has to face off with her and her dragons... or that the white walkers win. that'd be kinda dope.

    but chances are the writers will go the happy ending route... arya kills cersi, perhaps with the help of jamie or tyrion... sansa takes over winterfell, jon snow dies some heroic death after killing the night king (maybe sacrificing himself so the dragon lady can be queen)... tyrion is given a castle somewhere...

    whatever bring on the fight scenes. i don't really care for the mythology but i've generally respected the narrative for killing main characters. hopefully HBO has the balls to continue that

    • Im using this one for the office:…DRIFTMONKEY
    • I'm amazed all those people are still alive.CyBrainX
    • I won't mind a heroes journey ending - as what a fucking journey it has been. A master class in storytelling from RRMartininteliboy
    • whatever happens, people will whine regardless. we're all a bunch of spoilt brats when it comes to our entertainment these days.inteliboy

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