Donald Trump

Out of context: Reply #2239

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  • imbecile9

    i spent some time speaking with a married couple who are trump supporters. she voted for trump and he voted independent (so he "could complain no matter who won")

    while her beliefs and statements were questionable, they remained rooted in reality but seemed to have an overall sentiment of "things are fine the way they are".

    he however was a different story.

    while the topic began light, referring to a lack of unbiased journalism in general, it quickly spiraled to presidential discussions and fake news.

    the amount of misinformation this man spewed as fact was torrential. his blatant hypocrisy showing light with every other statement.

    it went about like this...

    "this bad news about HRC is definitely why i couldn't vote for her, she's a crook and a criminal."

    "michelle obama is a man and they adopted their daughters"

    "obama supported BLM and called for black to kill police"

    however, if any counterpoint was spoken about trump, it was met with "fake news" and "i won't believe it". note that he says won't , not don't. a literal refusal.

    when pressed how he could call all news fake, but still be so adamantly against the obamas and clintons, he had no answer.

    when asked how all possible information on a person (trump) could be fake or misinformation, he had no answer.

    when asked to review his stance and position on these topics, he grasped at straws using his own ignorant anger as justification for his beliefs, complaining about (legal) immigrants who have come here and voted "one of their own" into office referring to somalis in minnesota (i had no idea what he was on about).

    He swore 80,000 illegal immigrants had somehow illegally voted and caused this controversy.

    i simply stated, if they were illegal, the votes wouldn't have counted, also, it would be the largest voter fraud to have ever hit the mainstream media, neither of which came to fruition.

    after a few raised voices, the conversation ended on a civil yet extremely sour note as i decided to leave.

    i was so emotionally overwhelmed by the depth of the racist / ignorant beliefs that i had to pull over and cry discussing with my girlfriend, my complete disbelief to the fact that people like that exist in real life, not just as internet trolls.


    • facts and populism rarely mix.fadein11
    • same BS this side of the pond.fadein11
    • he sounds like he's in Trump's corner overall, despite how he voted, right?monospaced
    • I've encountered this too, and I always wonder where they get such misinformation from.monospaced
    • Foxallthethings
    • 'YouTube Research'PhanLo
    • FOX news is bad, but they don't stoop that low.monospaced
    • definitely a trump supporter, monoimbecile
    • right, I somehow missed that in your first sentence and just latched onto how he votedmonospaced
    • How did you luck into this conversation?ben_
    • They might be nice and harmless but it's worrying that people can reach adulthood and be so stupid, gullible and disconnected from reality.lowimpakt
    • it all probably boils down to conserving your way of life. The life that your parents, grandparents and so on lived. People don't like change._niko
    • America is way too big and way too fragmented for everyone to agree and be happy about anything._niko
    • You should be able to live in a society of like minded people, sharing similar beliefs, goals and values, something of a homogenous population like Japan_niko
    • not saying they don't have their issues but they're a fraction of the shit going on in the states. Way too many interests from way too many groups of people/_niko
    • disagreement and opposing views is healthy, but outright ignorance and brainwashing is not.inteliboy
    • The lazy ignorance in 'Murika has gone from just "lazy" to being actively aggressively ignorant. "Fake" has given them ammunition to believe whatever.formed
    • The saddest fact is that these types are rarely rich, just regular middle class or poor people with terrible education, and they honestly think Trump gives twomg33
    • shits about them or that he has any idea of their struggles, needs, etc. in life. They’ve fallen for the most disconnected from reality conman of all time.mg33
    • I had to hear this crap about Obama fro my father in law and brother in law. That Obama was a Marxist (couldn’t even begin to explain Marxism to me).mg33
    • My BIL semi-jokingly stated that the government had no faith in people raising their own kids, and that they wanted to take your kids, indoctrinate them asmg33
    • Liberals, and give them back when they’re 18. I love the guy but I just don’t understand where he gets this stuff. We’re at least able to have civil convosmg33
    • about politics but it’s so frustrating. They don’t even have cable... they’re not getting this from Fox News. By and large, they simply vote for whoevermg33
    • is pro life.mg33
    • yup ... voting over an issue that is a non-issue, and will never, EVER change (abortion, that is). Give it up, conservatards. It ain't happening.monospaced

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