Venezuela 2014

Out of context: Reply #152

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  • hotroddy-1

    Mike Pompeo at the UN does a pretty spot on summery:

    • oh fuck right offMilan
    • like this twat cares about any of those people. these US warmongers have proven that countless times, but this time it's different?Milan
    • the US helped build Venezuela to be the richest nation in Latin America before Chavez. So yes, its been done before and can be done again.hotroddy
    • i know its painful for to you to hear that.hotroddy
    • why did they elect chavez then? you think they got sick of their wealth?uan
    • chavez sold them snake oil and false dream. Plus they wanted to stick it to the 1%. The 1% that created a middle class that is no longer.hotroddy
    • and yes, they are only realizing now how good they had it. They were poor but had running water, electricity, and FOOD which they don't have todayhotroddy
    • so, they were rich but nevertheless wanted to stick it to the 1% and fell for a demagogue for 14 consecutive years.uan
    • The first 6 years were grea. They nationalized indurstries and operating them in debt. But that's ok because oil was at 160 a barrelhotroddy
    • And Price controls killed local production. And they keep doubling down ignoring the cause of inflation.hotroddy
    • And you forget these people are THUGS that want to convert Venezuela into madmax because that's the only world they know they can survive and thrive.hotroddy
    • They've armed civilians who are above the law do whatever it takes to intimidate and execute if necessary.hotroddy
    • what no one talks about is how they use race / colonialism/ imperialism as a reason to justify the destruction.hotroddy
    • "they hate us because of the color of our skin" he once said on national broadcasthotroddy
    • lay off the cnn there hotroddy, it's bad for your health.. obviouslyMilan
    • my family lived it buddy. CNN would never air what I just saidhotroddy
    • sounds more like a trauma that was caused by injustice from higher powers...those things take generations to heal:/uan
    • today I was browsing radio stations from venezuela, hard to tell if I found any good stations, but all are broadcasting lots of commercials, that surprised me.uan
    • but in general they sound like a normal country very aware of the problems the country is facing. heard some reasonable voices calling for unity left and right.uan
    • heard also some calls that got shut down, when the caller started to promote ideologies.uan
    • most of private radio stations have been forced off air. If you say anything critical- they remove your licence and steal are your equipment.hotroddy
    • it's not about left and right anymore. Its about a group of crimimal thugs that have taken control of the countryhotroddy
    • Sounds like what Tman is trying to do here. Makes sense.formed

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