recent vinyl finds

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  • Gardener1

    nothing more than a pound!

    I first heard this when my dad used to play it at parties when
    I was growing up in the early 70's - I always loved the cover too.

    A good compilation I'd not come across before which was
    alongside a pile of their original 70's albums, I picked them
    up as well but this is a keeper.

    A should I/shouldn't I? dilemma as it's still sealed.

    An original Jamaican pressing in single sleeve, my UK copy
    has a much smarter gate-fold but it's weird how it's only now
    I have noticed that the background on it is all coloured in with felt-tip!

    some odd singles

    The music from various adverts for the ciggy company.

    Dutch electronic band EP from 1980 and came with a poster.

    The Swedish soprano + pianist on her only EP released in 1969.

    A pair of old BBC library white labels, shame I couldn't find
    a few that were actually really good.

    An unusual release I had not seen before - a clincher was
    that it came in this cool old sleeve, I dig the flip side more.

    One of 3 copies in the same box of this Smiths cover version, still sealed.

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