
Out of context: Reply #69084

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  • PonyBoy22

    Holy shit... I came out on top!

    First thing this morning the new partner calls me into a quick private meeting and started it with: "We're going to make you whole..."

    He then proceeded to add to my vacation time too... he realizes now that I worked while out of town and thinks I deserve at least one more week off before the year is out... lol... okay... done!

    So... Next pay period I'm supposed to have a normal check along w/the 1/2 he snaked from last pay period and I have to take another week off in December (cuz it's gotta be by EOY... works for me). :)

    Thanks for letting me vent, QBNers. <3

    • Hi-5!monospaced
    • Pony! Pony! Pony! Nice job.capn_ron
    • awesome ;)sted
    • sweet!mugwart
    • Stay gold.monospaced
    • get that all in writing and signed!shapesalad
    • Id say congrats but you already earned it that pay. Lets say justice servedcannonball1978
    • yes!oey
    • i miss: they doubled my pay, uber free ride to work, zoo season ticket, the new iWach, 5% company-stake holder now. but rome was not build in a day, right?api
    • life's good when it all works out, hit us up with the updates bud.helloeatbreathedrive
    • Baaaam!scruffics
    • Fuck yeah!davey_g
    • Good! I did think you should've sat on your email and edited it a few hours later but clearly it did the trick. So he had no idea you were working on your vac.?Nairn
    • He didn’t even remember he approved my time off let alone I was even GONE... dude texted ‘are you planning on showing up today’ while I was already on the...PonyBoy
    • ...other side of the country. What’s really ironic is the night before I left he bumped into my wife and I shopping for fucking luggage for our tripPonyBoy
    • As I responded to your previous post - it sounds very much like They fucked up, so I'm glad for you that they've attempted to redress the situation.Nairn
    • Good for you Pony!utopian
    • People are generally good, especially if you give them the chance to be.. even assholes.SteveJobs

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