The Useful Thread

Out of context: Reply #1028

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  • Nairn2

    I don't drive often, but consider myself a respectful decent driver.

    After returning from a long round trip a month or so ago, I crossed a roundabout only to be very surprised to be flashed by an irate cyclist who I had totally not seen at all. It was nighttime, it was dark, he wasn't wearing reflective items and I was tired, but still.. I was shook up because I genuinely hadn't seen the fucker, and I know I'd made every effort to.

    Anyway, turns out I might be able to blame nature, rather than tiredness, so here' sthe 'useful' bit:

    "A Fighter Pilot’s Guide to surviving on the roads"…

    Ironically for me, I was returning from Portsmouth when teh above happened...

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