Intellectual Dark Web

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • Morning_star0

    I hoped it could be different but it seems that some that are cloaked in the dogma of the left have contributed little to nothing to this thread apart from snarky comments, dismissive assumptions and preformed conclusions. The certainty in which the opponents of the IDW dismiss the arguments without a morsel of counter debate, fact or reference reminds me of the Sunday faithful - all bluster and judgement with little to no substance.

    The consistent insistence that anyone to the right of their political coterie is a nazi is just retarded. Trying to paint everything Center or Right as Far-right makes me think that there is no coherent ideology just bitching and moaning. Just because you claim something and say it over and over again does not make it true. Especially when the targets of those claims actually tell you exactly what their political ideologies are.

    Why does it seem to be so difficult to listen and acknowledge a differing opinion with resorting to name calling and baseless labelling? Maybe we are reaping the fallout of identity politics and collective responsibility.

    I can’t remember who made the point but it’s puzzling that we acknowledge what happens and have a plethora of names and insults for when the right goes to far - Facist, Nazi etc etc. We acknowledge the horrors of holocaust and the SS, The Black Shirts, KKK, EDL - yet there seems to be no equivalent on the fleft yet its mountain of dead dwarfs that of the right.

    • Welcome all, let your thoughts flow like water.Fax_Benson
    • ideology is a really difficult thing to address. most people can't acknowledge their own bias to entertain a discussion of something contrary. and it doesn'tMrAbominable
    • hurt that MSM is filled with aggressive garbage designed to be divisive with the volume on 11.

      Which brings us back to Dork Web. Very much not MSM; not on 11.
    • this is a powerhouse of a post.inteliboy
    • Expecting a point by point rebuttal is a bit unrealistic when the opener was "what do you think of this vague movement" (which you would have to admit has ayuekit
    • rather cringey and pretentious name).yuekit
    • Of course there are intelligent people on the right, however personally I find Jordan Peterson in particular to be extremely overrated.yuekit
    • Moring, aren't you doing the very thing you accuses others of doing? 4 paragraphs and not much is said other than frustration at no-labels for off the wall leftpr2
    • The interpretation that Nazi or fascism is right is a lie. It's as left as you get. Total govt control. Often emmulated on this website with speech and mobs.Hayoth
    • The left have eaten themselves. They have lost their vision. They have pretty much guaranteed they will not be in power for a very long time.severian
    • Hayoth. Nothing about this site has ANYTHING to do with government control. You sound so childish and naive it’s almost insane.monospaced
    • Hayoth has got be a troll...I hope :/yuekit
    • Nope. He is sincerely that confused. Typical of his political demographic actually.monospaced

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