
Out of context: Reply #29792

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  • deathboy-5

    A bored rant. I'll voice my opinion on the latest absurdness from MSM and lack of objectivity on immigration. There are plenty of reasonable reasons for the creation of the protocols being followed and MSM is only emotional mongering their bias.

    1) If a supposed parent commits a crime while having a kid the kid is generally treated as a non-criminal and removed from parents. You think a bank robbing duo or single with a kid and both go direct to holding facilities together? There is a general rule not to charge children with the sins of their parents. The child is separated as a victim.

    2) Anyone familiar with human trafficking knows of coyotes. Basically handlers to smuggle people including children. There profession is to get people across and come back and get more. Separating and interviewing allows immigration to try and figure out who are really parents of these undocumented children. In most cases if US gov cannot find parents coming forth they are put into our foster care system.

    3) The Mexico/US political posturing on the wall and the Guatemalan march where Mexico let them come through. Stricter than normal sanctions to put fear into the migrants that mexico is not doing anything about. A psyop campaign to migrants while knowing MSM will act the virtuous US representatives. And trump carry the burden of a leader.

    4) Is it more humane to bounce all families regardless of real relations knowing many are not related and used as trafficking smoke screen? A coyote acting to get a child across the border gets caught get deported again with child and leaves them on the northern border alone. He got paid, it goes with the risk. Personally I think it's cheaper that way than pushing them through our foster system but do all the bleeding hearts think it is better?

    5) Objective. One of the most important issues. Is the objective to keep illegal families together or detour illegal immigration. For real illegal families crossing the border who have no possessions, no nothing, what do you use as an disincentive to repeat behavior. The only possession being the child. It is effective and practical. We use it in our current legal systems with citizens. The idea you lose what you value as a detererent for said time and that value also has the ability to shame you for such negative actions. It makes no sense to try and detour border crossing by simply just bouncing them across lines. The reward is greater than the risk.

    6) What exactly our deportation procedures on undocumented immigrants. Are they the responsibility of the bordering country or of there home country? What happens if the suspect country of origin does not comply. What really are the ways of legal immigration (not staying past student visa like i know of a few people). How many people are accepted per year. If LA takes in 20K poor as fuck migrants per year legally and another 40K do the citizens of LA really think its cool? The data of children removed from families in a month is a staggering amount to the real number of poor as fuck immigrants forcing there way in. I'm more or so pro freedom and love no borders an boundaries, but gov created a socio-econmic system that can't handle large migrations without current populace suffering. See italy or sweden or a lot of europe with destabalized middle east. I think if you take the emotion aside and show data people would be a little less virtue signaling and more self interested.

    7) The only good thing I hope about using trump to highlight policy already in place is that people learn more about immigration policy. Not to simply bandwagon their preferred virtue signal. It has made me ask more questions which I don't know the answers too (really who is responsible in deporation the border or the country and how do to countries agree on undocumented immigrants). It is really a non "trump" issue as MSM tries to sell it. But it is an issue. An issue much like TPP with obama and yet so many people seemed unconcerned but now are scared of tariffs from trump.... Maybe trump is making media talk of issues they should be more cognizant about. Hopefully people will think a little more objectively and less knee jerk emotionally, but tough when a large majority takes signals from MSM to play one side or another.

    • Thanks Stephen Miller.BusterBoy
    • "without current populace suffering"
      In one breath bemoaning 'MSM' then pouring out the usual shit from swivel-eyed pricks. Get fucked, you plastic fascist.
    • "Maybe trump is making media talkof issues they should be more cognizant about." If you actually believe this, congrats you're an idiot.garbage
    • Regardless on where each of us one stands you are addressing real issues on the situation. Good luck in getting your point across.soundofreason
    • Your opinion means absolutely fuck all.face_melter
    • I still haven't heard anything referencing the Flores settlement on QBN.
    • Since QBN values "authenticity" how many of you have entered the US illegally?
      I've done it twice as a minor.
    • I think all pro-migrant US citizens should start housing, caring, and being responsible for all migrants. Problem solved.robotron3k
    • That is not how a government works, robotron3k. Problem solved.soundofreason
    • That's like saying all those opposed to abortion "should start housing, caring, and being responsible for all unwanted children. Problem solved."formed
    • No, the government allows you to adopt and sponsor, so this can be done. I imagine a chubby, purple haired chick taking in some Honduran men, lolzrobotron3k
    • I bet you doFax_Benson
    • Robo doesn't realize that every time he touches his keyboard he ends up sounding like an idiot lunatic. It's ok, just leave him to his stupid little ways.garbage
    • lol @ garbage, what's scary is there are millions just like him.fadein11
    • robo sorry that isn’t how it works, so can you at least try to lay off on exposing your bigotry and fear for a few days? It’s deplorable.monospaced
    • Don't know stephen miller. Funny the insults with no rational counters. Something I'd expect from racist white trash hillbillys being introduced to foreign ideadeathboy
    • Kudos for living up to my lowest expectations while i had some obama hope that you changed and could engage in discussion instead of a kiddy insult festdeathboy

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