
Out of context: Reply #67971

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  • canoe0

    Remember that time you learned that the response,


    doesn't mean "cool" but means, "Really?"

    Now you're going to learn that


    should only be referenced when talking about music and not when you're talking about,

    Etc I'll sit here and wait for the downvotes from all the new kids on the block.

    If anything at all, designers should be experts in appropriation... whether in work or in writing... so go out on a limb and find a new word to describe your new moped because dope is not what it is...

    Uncle Fart

    • +1renderedred
    • werdpango
    • signs your getting oldsarahfailin
    • Dope is from the early 90s.
      Rad is from the 80s.
      Fresh is from the 80s.

      None of it is new.
    • Sick fam, safe.set
    • 1981. "Dope is a rather new slang word that is used to define someone or something excellent, great, impressive. OED says that it is originally in African-Americanoe
    • African-American usage and chiefly among rap musicians and enthusiasts. However, you can hear it outside the rap realm nowadays. Because, stupid.canoe
    • Heres a crash course on young language: https://m.facebook.c…docpoz

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