
Out of context: Reply #67787

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  • docpoz2

    The internet is enabling a community of men who want to kill women. They need to be stopped

    The man who killed 10 people in Toronto this week said “the Incel Rebellion has begun!”

    In 1989, a man armed with a hunting rifle and a knife entered a Montreal university and systematically killed 14 women, before killing himself. “I have decided to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker ... I have decided to put an end to those viragos,” he wrote in his suicide note. One female student shouted during the massacre that she was not a feminist and did not hate men. He murdered her anyway.

    Twenty-five years later, a self-proclaimed “kissless virgin” named Elliot Rodger, who was active in the online “incel” community and felt rejected by women, drove to a sorority house in Santa Barbara and opened fire, leaving behind a YouTube video where he proclaimed, “I don’t know why you girls have never been attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It’s an injustice, a crime. I’m a perfect guy.”

    On April 23rd, a man named Alek Minassian, who posted on Facebook that the “the Incel Rebellion has already begun!” and “All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger,” drove a van into crowds of pedestrians in Toronto, killing 10 people.

    In the stories of angry Men’s Rights Activists and incels — men who are “involuntarily celibate,” and denied their “right” to sex — the women of the world are in control, teasing and taunting and withholding, even as men maintain incredible majorities in nearly every hall of power. A recent New York Times article illustrated just how ludicrous the imbalance of men to women is in management positions in virtually every industry, where women are outnumbered not just by men, but specifically by men with common names like John.

    The world is not enough for many of the angriest, most bitter Johns, particularly the ones who felt that they were promised, on the basis of their gender, more of the world than the majority they have inherited. And as women push back against harassment, rape, and the basic dehumanization that accompanies being female, many of their most insulated and privileged opponents have coalesced into an online network. Loosely termed the manosphere, the movement has transformed the unquestionable cultural dominance of men into an identity based on a delusion of oppression, and even as they whine inconsolably about the identity politics they claim are ruining their lives.…

    • Minnasian suffered quite significantly from autism.Gnash
    • "He (had) notable special needs,” Reynolds said of Minassian, citing his behaviour of making meowing noises and hugging his arms around himself in the hallways"Gnash
    • yeah he was mental, and I'm sure more of these guys are too. Is a serial killer ever not mental?docpoz
    • i find it strange how everyones trying to shoot everyone now. maybe it is the videogames. in the old days you had duels and standoffs. much healthier.docpoz
    • "the internet is enabling..." one can finish that sentence with literally anything. it's a meaningless sound biteGnash
    • it's natural for people to view mass murder as tribal warfare - be it islamist, white supremacist, mentally ill, misogynist ... but it's often just a sad loserGnash
    • so exploiting a mass murder to further identity politics is kinda gross. not unlike those who fuel hatred against religions by exploiting terror attacksGnash
    • Yup. Everything is politicized.docpoz
    • It's *always* a sad loser who's inculcated some obscure or radical beliefs, trying to scapegoat others for their own inability to fit in and have a life.i_monk
    • Yep. Then he gets bullied. Then kills everyone. Of course, of course...docpoz
    • I think that those with socially debilitating issues like autism are uniquely susceptible that kind of influence.Gnash
    • And using their actions to condemn entire segments of a culture is irresponsible.Gnash
    • be it islam, ira, or lonely losers.Gnash
    • Everyone gets bullied at some point.i_monk
    • people are weaponizing these tragedies to further their own ideologies, is all I'm saying.Gnash
    • I understand your idea Gnash and I agree but it's a fact that group is out there.docpoz
    • they certainly are, and they're bent as hell.Gnash

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