
Out of context: Reply #29633

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  • allthethings1

    Serious question: Will this work in the US?

    I have been dying for the Dems to be the Dems of old, and here are some people taking the party back to the 1920s and 1930s. It would be awesome if they could win this way.

    Can it? Or does one word just freak people out so much? Why can't capitalism coexist with democratic socialism?


    ‘Yes, I’m Running as a Socialist.’ Why Candidates Are Embracing the Label in 2018

    This is exactly the script I want them to follow:

    “Yes, I’m running as a socialist,” Mr. Bynum said. “I’m a far-left candidate. What I’m trying to do is be a Democrat who actually stands for something, and tells people, ‘Here’s how we are going to materially improve conditions in your life.’”

    • tough to say, but my opinion is it won't work. my understanding is that more people fall closer to the center rather than on a far fringe.capn_ron
    • #magarenderedred
    • I think it can work in left-leaning cities. Here in Seattle we elected a Socialist Alternative member to city council.yuekit
    • The question is what does socialism really mean? Just slightly further left than Democrat? There are about a thousand different definitions.yuekit
    • I think his description of the SDA is perfect. I don't consider it far left at all. He's not saying all the factories will be collectives.allthethings
    • "Many socialist candidates sound less like revolutionaries and more like traditional Democrats who seek a return to policies in the mold of President Franklin Dyuekit
    • Roosevelt’s New Deal." That sounds about right. It's not really socialism in the worker ownership sense, just a stronger welfare state.yuekit
    • It's an odd situation in the US, we donate more to charity than any country in the world but think socialism is synonymous with nazism.mandomafioso
    • As long as we adhere to capitalism for economics, I think that democratic socialism (Scandi-/German-styl... must remain the necessary ...Continuity
    • ... social construct to balance the needs of people and economy.Continuity
    • ^^^ agree. It's getting the capitalists to see that a strong safety net is good for everybody is the problem. The hard-shell...allthethings
    • ...Rs view a safety net as taking away "their" money. But they don't say anything about giving their money to the military-industrial complexallthethings
    • Americans (people I suppose) are lazy and suckers for propaganda. This will further divide the country. It's a slippery slope. We don't want "real" socialismformed
    • S will have to be clearly defined to be effective, otherwise Tman and other's will just point and say "see? Socialist. They want to take ALL your moneyformed
    • and give it to people that don't even try to work."
      I wouldn't vote for that either. Show me a reasonable middle ground, not more extremes that divide.

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