
Out of context: Reply #67358

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  • PonyBoy-3

    Is there anything 'standard' about an Email signature these days? I've noticed some company's logos don't embed but appear as attachments... other signatures are beautiful / well laid out w/the logo in place, the name as searchable type w/links working etc.

    I'm trying to help a client get their signatures setup but they're using in-browser G Suite, Apple Mail or Outlook (they're all over the road).

    Nothing is working consistently... G suite's sig is lovely but the logo appears as an attachment in Outlook... Apple's sig is a little whacky but the logo is embedded when opened in G suite and Outlook... I haven't sent anything out of Outlook yet.

    I'm reading that mobile devices run the risk of not embedding or will include as an attachment if the logo isn't hosted somewhere...

    ... anyone have/any 'best practices'? I'm just looking for the most consistent results across all platforms.

    • it's a nightmare, been there many times. always easiest when they are in a big organisations and you supply a template to the IT dept and let them deal with it.fadein11
    • And keep rejecting it until it looks v.close to the design, i.e. no default blue underlined links etc. I have been here so many times I get shudders when afadein11
    • client even mentions them. Or if you don't want any hassle provide an image to go with basic text.fadein11
    • should never be an attachment though ideally.fadein11
    • yeah... angling towards hosting the graphic and being done with it... really frustrating inconsistencies though...
      Fuck it... I'm blaming Adobe. :)
    • lol. yeah where's their email sig app?
      fucking £40 a month and those cunts haven't solved email sigs yet :)

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