
Out of context: Reply #29401

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  • mg331

    From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/politic…

    WOW did the Republicans overplay their hand on this one.

    Carter Page was under investigation long before the Steele Dossier became publicly known. As far back as 2013. The first FISA warrant was before the dossier was even known.

    Peter Strozk news came out a few days ago that he was a key player in reopening the investigation into Clinton. That sort of shits all over your point there GOP that he is in the bag for Clinton.

    David Corn reporting suggests that Steele should have been removed for undisclosed meetings with Yahoo. First off it was not a crime to collect data and go talk to the media about it. Even during the Fusion GPS testimony the guy said they do that all the time and it is up to the powers that be who are commissioning the work to do so. Since the DNC were the ones picking up the tab they can do whatever the fuck they want. They reported doing it for one company against another or a client in criminal case. Just because it is not the lawyers doing it doesn't make it illegal.

    They curiously NEVER mention that the dossier was also funded as RNC opposition research in the beginning. Quite the major omission on that one you dishonest sacks of shit.

    You are all acting as though nothing in the dossier is true because Steele went to Yahoo News. Chances are her was confident in what was there and BECAUSE of that--he want to Yahoo News.

    What you are trying to make out as a weakness is far more likely and logically to be a strength.

    Devin Nunes emphasizing that Carter Page was a volunteer is a pathetically misleading attempt to make him out to be just some average American citizen. That is a deliberate effort to make it not about Donald Trump and Russia when in reality that is exactly what it is.

    FISA applications are notoriously hard to justify. So if they omitted any mention of the dossier and the application was STILL approved then obviously there was something else there--which they are conveniently leaving out.

    The FISA memo mentions George Papadopolus. Hes already plead guilty to crimes. OBVIOUSLY the FISA warrant was justified because---he was GUILTY of a GOD DAMN CRIME.

    • It actually looks more like a nothing burger... It's a boring read.robotron3k
    • Wasn't Jeb Bush's superpac the ones who originally funded the dossier?BonSeff
    • I think so. Funny how they left that out...mg33
    • TBH, I can't imagine how this thing would jeopardise Mueller and his investigation. Lots of sensationalism in this memo with few to no facts to back it up.Continuity
    • Nunes has got to be complicit in this.mg33
    • A small-time operator like him? I can't even begin to imagine what he could bring to the table.Continuity
    • He's a former farmer with an agriculture degree and an agriculture masters degree.mg33

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